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Pk9394 said:
@Lord N

Just because those file sharing software isn't around during the dreamcast day doesn't mean other source of file sharing are not around.

most people use 56k??? I don't know about place where you live but at that time people that I know are already using dsl and cable modem at an affordable price. even with a 56k modem, it only take about 2 days to finish download a DC game. a 56k modem will download approximately 12meg of data per hour if my memory is correct. Most DC games is around 200meg for the ripped version. That still beats paying $50 per game.

CD burner don't cost $300 around that time, you got it wrong. DVD burner is the one cost $300.

most CD burner cost around $70-100 around that time, and a 50cdr spindle cost $10-25 or sometime free after rebate when on sale.

Umm, broadband was nowhere near prevalent in 1998/1999. This is just common knowledge. That didn't happen until long after the Dreamcast was good and dead(2001 and on). Even today, 56K is still prevalent in some areas because broadband companies can't/won't run a line out that far.

CD burners did not come down to $70 dollars until after 2000. They were still over $60 at Wal-Mart in the year 2004. DVD burners sure as hell didn't cost $300 in 1998. A stand alone DVD player at that time cost more than that, so common sense should tell you that a recordable drive would cost more than that. DVD burners were still over $300 in 2003, and didn't drop below $100 until 2004.




Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3