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Stargate Worlds gameplay videos from Comic-Con 08

supadupagama July 28th, 2008

In case you haven’t signed up for the Stargate Worlds Beta yet, you might be tempted after watching these new Stargate Worlds gameplay videos from Comic-Con 08 of the upcoming science fiction MMORPG with FPS elements; set for a Q4 2008 release.

The game will add to the back story of Stargate SG-1, thus it will take place in the earlier seasons of the show, before the Atlantis expedition and before the Ori story arc. Although the first expansion is planned as Stargate Atlantis. At release, the game will revolve around the Milky Way Galaxy during in the fictional storyline of the ongoing conflict between the Tau’ri and Goa’uld. Playable races as shown at this time will include Humans, Goa’uld, Jaffa, and Asgard.

The first look at Stargate Worlds, developed for the PC by Cheynee Mountain Entertainment.

Click on the bottom-right corner arrow to view it fullscreen.

Watch the Stargate based Massively Muliplayer Online Game being played at Comic-Con 08.

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