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@Lord N

Just because those file sharing software isn't around during the dreamcast day doesn't mean other source of file sharing are not around.

most people use 56k??? I don't know about place where you live but at that time people that I know are already using dsl and cable modem at an affordable price. even with a 56k modem, it only take about 2 days to finish download a DC game. a 56k modem will download approximately 12meg of data per hour if my memory is correct. Most DC games is around 200meg for the ripped version. That still beats paying $50 per game.

CD burner don't cost $300 around that time, you got it wrong. DVD burner is the one cost $300.

most CD burner cost around $70-100 around that time, and a 50cdr spindle cost $10-25 or sometime free after rebate when on sale.