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The fact the PS3 will pass the 360 will surely come true, either by next year or by Xbox's surrender and launching a new console, then PS3 will surely take over the 360 this generation. While the 720 will "stay ahead of the next gen" like it did this generation but Wii2 will surpass the 720 buhahaha.

Have you guys seen the numbers? Xbox 360 only went up 1 million difference, first year was 6 million, second year was 13 million (7 million difference), what about the third year? 22 million (9 million difference)? and no, I was not counting december during Xmas holidays, I am counting from release date in NOVEMBER before the peak of the sales.

PS3 started almost exactly like Xbox 360 in sales with 6 million its first year, then guess what? it already surpassed 13 million EASILY before its end of the second year. I would say it finishes at 18 million by November, making it a 12 million difference compared to Xbox 360's second year which was a 7 million difference.

Some people just can't accept the facts. If PS3 keeps growing yearly. Xbox 360 has no chance of winning AT ALL. Truth~ Ps3 won the format war and Blu-ray is the future. No chance Xbox 360 will take SECOND this generation.


You guys who can't accept this need to get past your Denial stage and move on to the Acceptance stage. (the psychological  stages of Xbox 360's death) buhahah