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Yes they are... thats a good point, wait a sec while i think of how i missed that..... right done.

I retract my previous statement on the preface that it was wrong.

My new statement is as follows:

The PS3 has seen a higher jump in hardware sales than the X360 has compared year on year (2007 vs 2008) and if the PS3 was able to outsell the X360 last Holiday season despite having no real big hitting title and being alot more expensive then it will no doubt outsell it this holiday season by an even bigger margin therefore closing the gap between Sony and MS. With another price cut at the start of next year (March ish time) then the PS3 can keep selling more than the X360 and consistently outsell week on week by even larger margins than it is this year and with the gap down to 5.5 million then it won't be long if it is outselling the X360 by 20k a week on average and by 0.75 - 1million during the holidays 08 then by the end of the year the gap between X360 and PS3 will be down to

1'000'000 + 440'000 = 1'440'000 gap down to 4'060'000

750'000 +440'000 = 1'190'000 gap down to 4'310'000

So the gap between PS3 and X360 will be between 4million and 4.5million by the end of the year, that is actually quite a lot to catch up in one year but with Killzone2, GranTurismo5, inFamous and others releasing exclusively for the PS3 next year i have no doubt that the PS3 will be able to close the gap by the end of 09 or be within 0.5million - 1million consoles sold of doing so.

End of 2014 Hardware Predictions (03/03/14)

PlayStation 4: 12-15million

Xbox One: 7-10 million

Wii U: 8-9 million (Changed 01/04/2014 from 7-9 --> 8-9 million)