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I recommend Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars. It's single player is kinda poor - only bots - but I find the bots sufficient for short sessions. Multiplayer is the big idea though, and personally I enjoy it very much (if I find a server with balanced teams). The game will probably take some time to get in but it's definitely worth it.

I also like Titan Quest which is a Diablo clone. You either like it or hate it, though, so I guess it's a bit about luck what you'll think about it. Personally I've been spending more time on the single player.

At the time I'm mostly playing Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom which is a city-building game. The previous parts of the series were Pharaoh and Master of Olympus: Zeus in case they happen to sound familiar. Oh, and the game is a bit older (but not terribly old) but it's good nevertheless. And one more thing, which I think you already guessed: it's mostly single-player but it has a multiplayer feature as well. I've never tried it though.

Supreme Commander seems nice as well though I've not spent too much time with it.

I can't help recommending a very old game, Wolfenstein 3D (that's 1992, you know). You'll probably hate it or won't even be able to play it because of the graphics but I think its gameplay is great, even if it's very simple.