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Basilisk: It's about two rival ninja clans, Iga and Kouga, who battle each other to determine which grandson of Ieyasu will become the next shogun. Each clan has 10 chosen ninjas, and their names are written on a scroll. Each ninja has their own unique skill and will try to kill the ninjas from the rival clan that are written on the scroll. Upon that, there is a Kouga man and an Iga woman who love each other. They must choose whether to kill the person they love or not.

Xam'd: It takes place on Sentan Island, a neutral zone between the Northern Government and Souther Free zone who are in a war with each other. Akiyuki, the main character, is caught up in a bus explosion with his friends. During that explosion with the help of the white haired girl, Akiyuki is transformed into Xam'd. There's still lots of mystery about Xam'd. Pretty interesting to watch.

I heard Desert Punk is pretty good. Haven't watched an episode yet.