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The article is kind off biased although some points are true. However for the most part of it, it seems like it's written by a fanboy trying not to be a fanboy.

1) PS3 is doing bad due to a lot of countries being hit by recession and from the 3 consoles available, it is by far the most expensive.

2) I have heard this from various people; from family, friends, colleagues and investors. those wanting to buy a PS3 will not buy a PS3 until they have a HD TV. This again shows why a lot of potential PS3 customers still haven't switched over yet.

3) They had a shite marketing campaign on launch.

4) They lost so much money creating the damn thing, they can't afford to hold onto some of the big franchise games and they lose these games to MS.

5) having had the problems they did with the launch and delays of the PS3, they have lost considerable ground and allowed MS to take the lead.

However, the above being said:

1) The PS3 is gaining good momentum. The sales figures speak for themselves. Even having had a 1 year head start (USA and JAPAN) and 18months head start on UK and AUS, the 360 is only about 5.5 million units ahead.

2) Although the machine is more expensive then the 360, it is still selling good and the sales are continuously going up. Another price cut will probably see another burst in PS3 sales.

3) Many AAA games have been released (Motorsport, Resistance, GT5P, Uncharted) but the most anticipated ones are still to be released (KZ2, Resistance 2, GT5, Jak and Daxter, Motorstorm 2, GoW3). The release of these big gmaes will probably see another burst in sales.

4) Regardless of what people say about Blu-Ray, the format does kick ass. It is by far the greatest next gen format. It will take time for Sony to see profit from it, but they will see it eventually. Even with DVD, it happened gradually over time. People didn't want to lose their VHS collections overnight to a new format. The truth is, currently, the PS3 is the best value for money when it comes to Blu-ray players. It has by far the most functions.

******* WHAT SONY ARE GUILTY OFF ************

I cannot argue this, but the one thing Sony are guilt off is keeping people waiting. I don't think they are in a position to keep people waiting. With the PS1 yes, with the PS2 yes, but the PS3 no! They need to move quick and fast before they get wiped out by a MS cheque book lol