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Gaming Discussion - E3 2007 - View Post

Nintendo: You have to remember despite Nintendo showing alot of footage they haven't had alot of playable demos for the media. For example the media has yet to see even a Nintendo rep playing Mario Galaxy, we've only seen a trailer of Smash Bros. with no gameplay footage. They've had playable music demo which I assume is now apart of Wii Music. We've yet to see anything at all for Wii Health. So my guess is Nintendo will have the following playable: Playable: Mario Galaxy Smash Bros. Wii Music Wii Health pack Mario chargers Big Brain Acadamy Pokemon Revolution (most like will show off connectivity and online features) Metroid Prime 3 Project HAMMER Disaster: Day of Crisis Being that the American media hasn't played most of these titles and they're slated for this year, and that Nintendo tends to like to keep things secret I really don't think they'll show too much else. They'll probably talk about the success of the Channels, perhaps unveil the first game on the VC that is not a classic but instead a new game with wii-mote support, plus unveil new channels. I think they'll hype the success of Wii Sports/play and talk about health and music, and other possible directions for the franchise. They'll talk about the future of Wii online with pokemon and Metroid, and perhaps talk about some 3rd party titles that will support online features. And MAYBE and this is particularly a maybe if they decide not to have a spaceworld type of event, they'll show a video of a new IP/franchise revival. But knowing Nintendo I don't think they will. I also don't think they'll show the new zelda. yet Nintendo always seems to save something for E3 so we might get something interesting. Microsoft: By then they'll have Forza 2 and Mass Effect on the market, so they'll be talking up Halo 3, halo Wars, episodic content with Peter jackson. Probably show blue Dragon, Lost Odessey, and Fable 2 to show a strong effort to sell in japan and broaden it's genres. We'll hopefully see Alan Wake, and some other titles to. But I think there big announcements are in the form of marketing and demographics. They've been talking alot about Nintendo's family approach, and how they were on the horizon of making big developments in that same direction and that Viva Pinata was the beggining of that. They said one of the things holding them back was price, they are yet to be priced for a family friendly console. So I'm guessing they'll announce a new package with more features and a price drop for the old two packages, and perhaps 2 or 3 titles that push the all ages concept. i'm sure we can count on Banjo Kazooie being there, and something else. Sony: I think Sony will have the least exciting of the three only because they launched alot of fireworks at the GDC. We'll see a playable home on the floor. Little Big Planet of course, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Killzone. I'll be surprised if they have a Resistence sequel there it seems to early, perhaps a video. They may show another game or two on video showing off the Cell's power. But I really don't think they have much else to show contents wise. Game of the show: Mario Galaxy vs. Little Big Planet vs. Halo 3 although it would be great if it was something we all haven't seen yet. Biggest news to look forward to: 360 price drop, Nintendo's franchise revival, and whatever Sony may have up it's sleeve.(if any of these even happen.) Of course this doesn't include any 3rd party stuff, I'm not sure how much their going to show this year with e3's new format, so I simply left them out.