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I'm basically asking, why does everyone hate Microsoft...

I'm always seeing micrsoft's "s" spelt with a "$" sign. This the significance of this is obvious, so I ask to these people...

Are you aware of how much "$" Bill Gates has personally donated to charity? (Virtually all of his fortune, we're talking BILLIONS).

...Is it not to be expected that any company that has a monopoly is going to be critisized constantly, take for example the bundling of WMP\IE with windows XP, whats wrong with this? Doesn't Apple do EXACTLY the same thing?

If there was a basis for all the slandering it wouldn't really bother me, but there's nothing worse than seeing uninformed people spelling Microsoft as "Micro$oft" for no reason that they can substantiate other than to jump on the bandwagon.

I'd just like a coherant explanation if anyone would be so kind as to give one.

I've heard all about the anti-trust\anti-competetive practicses that are publised in the EU etc, but to be quite honest. I can't see how this means they deserve the flack they get. The main people that are complaining are other companies, NOT the consumer.

The only people who I see who have a genuine bone to pick are the harcore Linux users, and it seems thats where the "$" has filtered from...down to the masses of people who install Linux just to show off and don't actually have a clue how to use it.

/End rant