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@ Sqrl

My bad on some parts of my last post. When I was talking about freedom infringements I was talking about smoking in bars and was more of a loose catch phrase.

Also I didn't want to impose the impression that governments should establish such laws. I was trying to show what the situation looks like in the US from my point of view. Games don't really have much good press running these days, at least for the politics they don't.

About psychology, it's simple really. If you continuously brake certain rules or laws it becomes natural for you. Therefore even if are obligated to follow those rules/laws you are automaticaly tempted to dismiss them as you have done so before and thin that you are "above them". Hope i made it simple.

I understand what you're saying about having laws to break them and all. It's more than obvious that people are so like that. It boils down to whether the penalties for breaking the law are enough to prevent people from breaking them ;).
I didn't intend for you to understand my words as a current view on the situation in the US. think of it as "overall".

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there


