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Nobody would have believed the current status quo three years ago, barring the few with theories so far fetched it was actually humorous when they became closer to reality.

And nobody has clairvoyance or the precognitive ability to claim they know where things will be in another three.

Even Nintendo didn't predict their current level of success. They took a gamble with their strategy but the pay off surprised them as much as anyone else. Otherwise they would have scaled up initial production output by no less than 50% rather than struggling to meet demand for over 18 months.

The only conclusion I can arrive at currently is that it is very far fetched indeed to believe the PS3 is on track to hit 100 million units.

But at $199 in 3-4 years, a set top box that provides access to a DD movie and TV show store, HD media playback, and what will very likely be a full line up of retail soft titles in addition to DD soft titles, is very little coinage for a true media center hub.