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There is only one way to make this happen and that's for Sony to keep selling the PS3 in the 8th generation as it's main console.

Hearing talk like this and having a console with a higher tech than the other consoles this gen is making me wonder if that's what Sony is thinking.

Now before you call me nuts hear me out. PS3 will be a cheap blu-ray player even 10 years down the road (When most people will have HDTVs and will need a Blu-ray player to truly enjoy it) and i doubt that Sony wants to invest more in R&D considering their losses this gen they may abandon the PS3 and the Playstation brand in general as a mainly gaming machine and may present it as a system that plays Blu-Ray, Downloadable content, Music, oh and games too.

Will this work, a multi-gen console, well idk cuz it's never been tried before, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's what Sony is planning.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting