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"Yeah that preview sounds BS."

Googles joystiq author...what a surprise!

Another Halo/Gears of War/Xbox fanboy getting his ultimate thrill, trashing a PS3 fps.

The very cool first person cover system.
The graphics that are an entire generation ahead of outdated games running on the tired old UE3 engine.
The unbelievable level of destructibility
The awesome character designs for the various classes
The amazing animation, ragdoll, character interaction.
The unbelievably good gun rendering and action
The splatter and pooling blood.
32 player dedicated servers for lagfree online play
The custom badge/class system
The absolutely kick ass valor points clan betting system for online matches

Like someone else said it is too bad the bitter Xbox fans at sites like Eurogamer, EGM, Joystiq, etc are just salivating like ravenous dogs at their opportuninty to trash KZ2 witht the inevitable 6/10s.

There still is an unbelievable amount of rage and hatred after the Mother of All Ownages from last year's realtime KZ2 unveiling at E3:

That was going to be every Xbox fan in the gaming media's moment of triumph this gen where they got to tear Sony to shreds over KZ2. The Xbox fans in the gaming press will have their revenge.

Sony fans have become immune to it and it isn't going to be anything but a sad little sideshow to what will be 2009's GoTY.

No amount of fanboy hate is going to faze anyone from what will be the greatest FPS this gen:

It's like god himself decided to make a fps.