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ZenfoldorVGI said:
kingofwale said:

It's clear that exclusivities nowaday has moved from away from "fanbase royality" to "whoever issues the biggest check". No doubt there will be few and few third party exclusive titles.


What's Sony's way of facing this? Being the company that doesn't have money to burn, It's clear from E3 that Sony is focusing more and more in internal development.

Agree with it or not, I like the plan, rather than spending millions on other people's game that doesn't guarantee quality (Haze anyone?) Sony will do it within.


Just like who, kow? Who else does that? Who has been doing that all along? Oh yeah, Nintendo. You have them, except it seems you love anything Sony does that copies or rips off Nintendo, so by degree, you're a Nintendo fanboy, since Sony and Microsoft tend to want to do very little besides copy Nintendo's strategy(that's it's been using for years, mind you), hardware, and software as much and as quickly as possible.

When the PSP2 has a touch screen, will you love that too?

troll much lately zen?  i think I have read 5 posts by you tonight where you have blatantly trolled.  FYI, Al Gore didn't invent the internet, and Nintendo didn't invent gaming.  OMG!!! Nintendo ripped off the gaming consoles before them, I guess you are not the Nintendo fanboy you come off as either!!111oneoneone