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Yojimbo said:
madskillz: What is the lie? That Sony thought BC was important at first and then lost alot of money overall on PS3 and they are reducing the cost by taking out things like BC and making owners buy more ps3 games? They made bad financial decisions and they are trying to correct them. They have changed strategy few times this generation so you should not be suprised.

A core value is a core value, no matter how you slice it. Google the phrase and see what comes up - words like integrity, underpinning. If a company states core values, I am gonna listen. If they renege, they've lost a customer, hence why I only bought a 20gb or 60gb with full BC. I never considered buying any of the other impostors.

It doesn't matter if you think I am trolling, or you don't agree with my views - I could care less. But before supporting a company that states a feature is a core value and then drops it to generate sales has lost my business. Seriously, are you so much of a bot that you blindingly, like sheep to a slaughter, a company that is fairweather on a core value? I could see if MS flat out lied - sure, I would call them out on it. However, this new tactic will ruin Sony.

Take a gander at what other comanies say about core values:

The following list of core values reflects what is truly important to us as an organization. These are not values that change from time to time, situation to situation or person to person, but rather they are the underpinning of our company culture. Many people feel Whole Foods is an exciting company of which to be a part and a very special place to work. These core values are the primary reasons for this feeling, and they transcend our size and our growth rate. By maintaining these core values, regardless of how large a company Whole Foods becomes, we can preserve what has always been special about our company. These core values are the soul of our company. - Whole Foods

"Our Core Values, Integrity first, Service before self and Excellence in all we do, set the common standard for conduct across the Air Force. These values inspire the trust which provides the unbreakable bond that unifies the force. We must practice them ourselves and expect no less from those with whom we serve."  - Air Force

Texas A&M University Core Values

Texas A&M University Purpose Statement:
To develop leaders of character dedicated to serving the greater good.

Our purpose statement carries with it the responsibility, the traditions and the forward thinking of Texas A&M University exemplified by all who are associated with the university — its faculty and staff, and its current and former students. This can be defined by six core values.

Loyalty - Acceptance forever.

Integrity - Character is destiny.

Excellence - Set the bar.

Leadership - Follow me.

Selfless Service - How can I be of service?

Respect - We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we. - Texas A&M