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Forums - Politics Discussion - Iranian General Killed by US Attack

Cucumberry said:
Jpcc86 said:
Odds are this will have close to zero consequences.

The consequences for this are already happening, we may yet avoid major conflict, but the toll of the politics 'behind closed doors' will be felt globally. From fuel prices and taxes to the shifting of political alliances and global direction, however large or small.

War is not the only consequence here, nor is it mutually exclusive. 

You are absolutey right about that. I stand corrected. 
I wasnt clear with my previous comment, but I was a referring to any form of armed conflict, not to say war. I find that kind of consequence to be VERY unlikely. 

RolStoppable said:
This was the first step in Trump's strategy to solve the major problems in the Middle East. Once the countries in the region recognize that they all have a common enemy in the USA who continues to interfere and create chaos to keep the Middle East unstable, they'll put down their weapons and stop killing each other.

I pity the fools who can't see the sheer brilliance in Trump's actions. Remember the quarrel with North Korea from not too long ago? That was supposed to be doomsday and World War III, but what actually happened is that the Korean peninsula is united again.

So according to you, Trump's "brilliant" plan is to make everyone hate the US? What's next, Pakistan and India? Israel and Palestine? 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

melbye said:
What the hell was an Iranian general doing in a country that is not Iran's ally?

Who said Iran and Iraq don't have any relations? You don't seem to understand that Iraq and Iran have a had good backdoor relations for a while now

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

RolStoppable said:
Eagle367 said:

So according to you, Trump's "brilliant" plan is to make everyone hate the US? What's next, Pakistan and India? Israel and Palestine? 

This is already the second time this year that you aren't reading who you are responding to.

Oh I knew it was you but didn't want to be mean this time. Seriously though I can't afford anyone taking you seriously.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

This is a perfect endorsement to vote for Bernie Sanders and get involved in the political revolution. Take back your country from war mongers Americans. The people of the world have suffered enough from your leader's corruption and stench of death and destruction

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Bofferbrauer2 said:
JRPGfan said:

Americans love wars..... sadly.

As I mentioned earlier, Americans don't dictate America's foreign policy. They have been voting presidents that promise to bring the troops back but alas. It is not fair to blame the people who mostly oppose these wars. 

... and to be honest, the unfortunate truth is that if the USA wasn't this involved internationally, another country would seize the power vacuum and do the same, and who knows, we might have had a gloomier world in our hands if that was the case. 

useruserB said:
Ok, Trump bad for approving the attack that killed a terrorist with a fancy title who has been planning/directing the killing of Americans for years.

He didn't kill a terrorist. He killed a general. Imagine someone doing that to the US because of all the US war mongering. That's what happened here.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

John2290 said:
Another Evil bastard dead, we should all be happy that this prick is gone and now Iran can't pull this shit any longer. The true 'war' veing fought here is between The US and China but by proxy, If China wants to back Iran and Russia then so be it as far as I'm concerned. It won't happen which is the god aweful thing about it because our future is going to be far, far worse than anything short of Nuclear war can be. The entire worlds future is that of hong Kong and then a slow slip into full on control or decline in ruin. Freedom will never be an option again in the new world so a war now would be ideal. Pop the damn blister before it takes the whole body with the already spreading infection.

So you are a brainwashed war loving bastard. Ok got it. As for the rest of us sane people, this is one of the worst ways to start a year, with the US trying to start yet another war. The terrorist here is the US because people all over the world and in the US are scared shitless because of US actions.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

SpokenTruth said:
LurkerJ said:

Congress has been useless when it comes to keeping presidents in checks. Bush, Obama and now Trump have turned the entire world into a battlefield using drones outside the context of armed conflicts, which violates international law. One can argue that drone attacks have been worse than armed conflicts due to the shocking disregard for civilians and the fact that they take place outside of war zones. Lack of congressional engagement has become the norm when it comes to acts of war. 

This is certainly not incorrect and really needs to be addressed.  But this one stands out because of the exceptional consequences.  It cannot be understated how close to WWIII this brings us.

We cannot ignore that Russia is a direct military partner of Iran.  China is a secondary military partner.  And North Korea is right there in it too.

Most of our recent wars have not been wars against an entire state....much less 3 major military powers at once with nuclear capabilities.

Turkey can annex chunks of Syria and shoot down Russian jets and yet Iran, China and Russia don't do a thing about it. The only country able able to stop Turkey taking even more land in Syria was the US.

What makes you think some General getting killed will lead to anything?

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