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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 2009: Year of which genre?


2009: Year of which genre?

Action-Adventure 39 54.17%
Racing 1 1.39%
Fighting 6 8.33%
FPS 17 23.61%
RPG 5 6.94%
Other 4 5.56%

idk.. I want to say platformer..

really for me, Little big planet, Batman, and Uncharted 2 took most of the year along with Killzone 2.


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None of those for me, those Hybrid-JRPG's took most of my time, like PSP and DW6: Empires.

The fighting was good this year to though so...

Hmm for me I'd say Action/Adventure.

Plenty of good FPS came out last year to last for quite a while.
It was nice to see Uncharted 2 and AC2

Though I think Dragon Age might be my goty so far.

FPS....08 was the year of Action-Adventure/TPS...

10 might be the year of the RPGs again! =]

End of 2010 Predictions (Original Prediction Made: Jan. 1, 2010---Revised April 1, 2010---Revised Again July 1, 2010---Revised Again on Nov. 1, 2010)

PS3: 46 MIL (April Revision: 44 MIL, July Revision 43 MIL, Nov. Revision 45MIL)

360: 44 MIL (April Revision: 46 MIL, July Revision: 48 MIL, Nov. Revision 49MIL)

WII: 82 MIL (Apr. Revision: 84 MIL, Jul. Revision: 82 MIL, Nov. Revision: 82MIL)

THE MUST BUY LIST of 2010: Gran Turismo 5

THE BOUGHT LIST of 2010: White Knight Chrnociles, Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy 13, God of War 3, Modnation Racers, Sports Champions

ill say action adventure. Next year however will be the year of the RPG =)




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I think it goes to FPS.


Action/Adventure: I played and finished inFamous, Batman and Uncharted 2.

Good year.

tekken 6
street Fighter IV
UFC undisputed

Its the year of the fighter

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Action/Adventure- my favorite genre

other, and that other being platformer just for the bare time I played NSMBwii