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Forums - Website Topics - Join the PL, Beat TheSource, Win eternal Glory + Zexen interview

So you think you can predict better than TheSource himself, a man who is almost as close to the numbers as one could get? TheSource has descended from his heavenly cloud and entered this week’s Prediction League to claim victory.

So grab this chance and enter this week’s Madden round. Beat TheSource. And win Eternal Glory.

Item Prediction Bet Actual Accuracy
Madden NFL 10 (X360) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
Madden NFL 10 (PS3) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
Madden NFL 10 (PS2) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
Madden NFL 10 (Wii) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
Madden NFL 10 (PSP) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
Wii Sports Resort (Wii) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
Mario Kart Wii (Wii) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
Fight Night Round 4 (PS3) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
Prototype (X360) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
UFC 2009 Undisputed (X360) ? vg$ 5 0 0%
 DS ? vg$ 5 0 0%
 Wii ? vg$ 5 0 0%
 Xbox 360 ? vg$ 5 0 0%
 PS3 ? vg$ 5 0 0%
 PSP ? vg$ 5 0 0%

Enter this week's round here:

Official Prediction League Thread:

How to play:

The prediction League is a really cool feature that lets you predict the software sales for 10 games and the hardware sales for all 5 consoles. Aditionally if you're confident about a prediction you can bet more vg$ on it which could give you a big profit in return. And who doesn't like that in this recession? (the minimum bet is 5 vg$ per game/console) Do make sure that you enter a prediction in every field. You can enter the Prediction League weekly and it can always be found on the front page. The rounds always close at Wednesday morning (8AM EDT, 12PM GMT), so make sure to be on time!

Exclusive interview with zexen_lowe

Joining me today is one of the wealthiest men on VGChartz, with an estimated capital of vg$ 40,000. He’s also one of the top contenders in the Prediction League, known to be occasionally forgetting to enter; then blaming other people for not reminding him .

Hi zexen, how are you doing?

-I'm doing great, so far. Enjoying my Winter break from university, enjoying my new PSP, and also enjoying my new role as contributor in the site. I also feel honored to be featured in an interview with such a sexy....male?? Ugh, nevermind

How do you feel about the Prediction League?

-I think it's one of the best features of the site, and it's something you can't find anywhere else. It's something that's ridiculously simple (unlike, say, SimExchange), but it's also very addictive and rewarding. But it's not just a simple "guess numbers", but it encourages careful thinking, you gotta not only analyze trends and put your numbers accordingly, but you also gotta analyze other people's numbers to decide what's worth betting high and what isn't. And of course, the payments are the best part...when you win, of course

You were a contender in the first Prediction League as we know it in the Weekly Japan Chart, 02nd February 2008. In this round you made a total of 4 bucks and even beat the almighty ioi (though half of the contenders did). How do you feel the Prediction League has changed over time?

-Wow, I didn't remember I had taken part in the first round, thanks for letting me know that. I think it's undeniable the biggest improvement was the fixed payment times. Before, a month or more could pass without you seeing the money, and it was depressing, as I wanted to bet higher and I couldn't because I knew I'd be without money who-knows-for-how-much-time. So, that time I entered only to have the biggest accuracy possible, I didn't care much about the winnings. With nordlead's management, we now know that we'll be paid quickly, and also we have the excellent rankings, that's perfect for the PL. What could be better than showing off your betting abilities?

You’re unable to buy a wii and/or ps3 but have recentely bought a psp. Are you hoping one day VGChartz will let you buy these with you vg$? Is this why you like the Prediction League so much?

-One can only dream they would. My regional location problems would be solved straight away. I suggest that to ioi as a feature we should implement. Think of the visitors it may bring to the site! Yeah, it'll also make ioi broke, but it's for the popularity o VGC.

-I think it may very well be a subconscious reason. It's more that I love having things to show off, I love seeing myself at the top of the ranking, and VG$ are perfect for that, just like, say, Gamespot's emblems (by the way, I support VGC Emblems too...we should start a campaign). And of course, the PL is one of the quickest ways to win VG$

Any tips?

-For the PL? Bet a million in every game and console. That's the best thing to do...since I'll make money if you do that 

-Now seriously, bet late, check the averages and bet heavily when you think you're right and the average is way off. That's the key to succeeding

Thank you zexen. And I hope you won't forget to enter this week's round. 

This thread has been approved by nordlead.

However "TheSource" is a trademark, which has been violated by this thread. 

Around the Network

I told you! The only way you will get my VG$ is to pry it from my cold,dead hands.

I never seen this coming -_-
Anyway, Am I allowed to copy people in the PL?

Funny you want everyone to go into the PL but I haven't seen you in the prediction league yet?

Once you tell me who you are then I might consider going into the PL

Gilgamesh said:

Funny you want everyone to go into the PL but I haven't seen you in the prediction league yet?

Once you tell me who you are then I might consider going into the PL

I don't think nordlead would approve of me entering the PL twice. (if you know what I mean)

I certainly entered last week's round :p

Around the Network

My money is already in the other one...

Former something....

I'l tell you who it is Gilgamesh, for a mere VG$ 3000.

Blacksaber said:
My money is already in the other one...

You may be feeling a bit light, but you still have 5,000 in stock :p

Taz! said:
I'l tell you who it is Gilgamesh, for a mere VG$ 3000.

I make you a better offer, I'll do it for VG$2000!


Nice interview by the way, my pleasure

And I would keep my mouth shut about his true identity for vg$4,000.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


Level 1 - Newbie
Level 2 - Member - Pass 1k
Level 3 - Regular - Pass 2k
Level 4 - Addicted - Pass 5k
Level 5 - Obsessed - Pass 10k
Level 6 - Old Guard - Pass 20k
Level 7 - Legend - Pass 50k
Level 8 - Demi-God - Pass 100k
Level 9 - God - Pass 250k
Level 10 - Zeus - Pass 500k

New Table:

Level 1 - Newbie
Level 2 - Rookie - Pass 1k
Level 3 - Padawan - Pass 10k
Level 4 - Sea Dog - Pass 25k
Level 5 - Captain - Pass 50k
Level 6 - Agent - Pass 100k
Level 7 - Elite - Pass 175k
Level 8 - Hero - Pass 250k
Level 9 - Legend - Pass 500k
Level 10 - Titan - Pass 1 Million