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Holy shit Neo! Why do you have Magic the Gathering XBLA listed for release next week? Where did you get this information? I'm going to have a geek spasm if its true. edit: Okay, its definitely true and 800 points on top of that!

Also, I'm a bit surprised no one is going for Cell Factor. 800 points is an amazing price for the quality of the game. Its really a lot of fun. I urge anyone who hasn't tried it to download the trial and give it a shot.

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I came 3rd with 1000g... oh well, I should get another decent amount this week as I just picked up EndWar and I should get some more Grid achievements and maybe some Halo Wars achievements, and then next Thursday I will get even more Xbox games!!!

I am among the top 10 now. Top 5 watch out for me.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

I can no longer really recommend Red Faction to anybody else. I started out really loving it but now in my opinion the game has been reduced to a steaming pile of flop.

It's way too cheap. Enemies just spawn indefinitely on you and usually from all sides. Cover system is broken. You take literally no damage before dying. You will die a lot, even on normal and you will spend half your game time looking at loading screens. When you do die and respawn back at the safehouse you will spend nearly the other half of your time just driving back to the objective. Driving is floaty and touchy. On top of that the game constantly wants you to drive a vehicle at top speed from point A. to point B. for a side mission and meanwhile as you fling out of control because the driving sucks they proceed to throw one enemy vehicle after another at you who usually ram you head on and stop you from getting there in time. Then you stare at some more load screens and start over.

Look, the destruction is great. I won't even lie about that, but it starts to get old, its just not enough to carry an entire campaign. Once the frustrations of the difficulty set in, even on Normal difficulty, you are left with nothing more than a mediocre action game that delights in kicking your ass and then making you load more.

I've gotta join Gamefly, I hate I wasted full price on this but the demo was nice... of course the demo wasn't cheap and hard like the final game and there was no real open road driving in it. All I can do now is try to grind though, trade it in for some credit towards Ghostbusters.

JPL78 said:

I can no longer really recommend Red Faction to anybody else. I started out really loving it but now in my opinion the game has been reduced to a steaming pile of flop.

It's way too cheap. Enemies just spawn indefinitely on you and usually from all sides. Cover system is broken. You take literally no damage before dying. You will die a lot, even on normal and you will spend half your game time looking at loading screens. When you do die and respawn back at the safehouse you will spend nearly the other half of your time just driving back to the objective. Driving is floaty and touchy. On top of that the game constantly wants you to drive a vehicle at top speed from point A. to point B. for a side mission and meanwhile as you fling out of control because the driving sucks they proceed to throw one enemy vehicle after another at you who usually ram you head on and stop you from getting there in time. Then you stare at some more load screens and start over.

Look, the destruction is great. I won't even lie about that, but it starts to get old, its just not enough to carry an entire campaign. Once the frustrations of the difficulty set in, even on Normal difficulty, you are left with nothing more than a mediocre action game that delights in kicking your ass and then making you load more.

I've gotta join Gamefly, I hate I wasted full price on this but the demo was nice... of course the demo wasn't cheap and hard like the final game and there was no real open road driving in it. All I can do now is try to grind though, trade it in for some credit towards Ghostbusters.

ouch I was thinking of picking it up depending on how long it takes me to finish Prototype. I hate infinite respawns or enemies that respawn from nowhere, I just had to deal with both in CoD5 >< it's so annoying. I had gamefly for a bit, the service is ok not very fast and in order to get a game you want sometimes you have to make sure it's the only game in your queue.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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Graham, I was just really pissed off when I wrote that. My game experience last night went like this... "you died, reload, drive a lot, you died, reload, drive a lot, objective failed, reload, you died, drive a lot."

But I take it back that Red Faction is a steaming pile of flop. There is fun to be had, its an okay game. But all my points remain true, it is too cheap and frustrating and the driving sucks. I finally cut it down to "casual" difficulty and its a little more manageable. Also I got some new armor that helps. I still take offense to being forced to play any game on casual level. I am SO not casual. Also, multiplayer is really nice in Red Faction, I do have to admit that.

I just spend too much money buying a game here or there for full price I shouldn't have bought. Its rare but it happens and when it does happen all I can think is, 60 dollars would have bought like 4 or 5 months of gamefly instead. This time I'm going to learn from my mistake. We don't have a good rental solution around where I live so gamefly is the way to go. When I had joined before they got the games to me in one day, that's pretty fast.

Hey Neo can you change my Gamertag to Dynosaur


seece said:
Hey Neo can you change my Gamertag to Dynosaur

You mean Dynosaw?

I just noticed that UFC and Prototype have become full tournaments with 10 owners...

10 points to the winner of each of those tournaments! And the first 6 places will get points...

NeoRatt said:
I just noticed that UFC and Prototype have become full tournaments with 10 owners...

10 points to the winner of each of those tournaments! And the first 6 places will get points...

10 points to me!  Watch out!