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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New FFXIII info, releases in 2009

Square Enix has released some new tidbits of information regarding Final Fantasy XIII. The trailer, which the company has shown off in various lengths since the game's debut, depicts heroine Lightning entering a train carrying citizens set to be deported from the Cocoon. Among those convicts is Vanille, the red-haired girl set to become a member of Lightning's party. Snow, the other playable character featured prominently in various trailers, is the head of a resistance movement fighting against the theocratic government of the Cocoon. In their struggle against the government, the party will not only have to deal with normal soldiers, but also far more potent opposition including powerful officers, weapons and monsters.

All those foes will be visible on the field map. Running into an enemy will trigger an encounter. The transition between exploration and battle will be seamless. As previously mentioned, Final Fantasy XIII employs an enhanced version of the good old Active Time Battle system. Accordingly, battles are command-based. Once a command has been selected, the respective character will execute it immediately. During each turn, a character can only execute a certain number of actions. Each character has a certain amount of action points at his or her disposal. Various commands require one or more action points to execute. If Lighting has three action points at her disposal, she can for instance use three standard attacks (each consuming one action point) or use all three points to cast Fire II. Depending on the order of the commands' input, characters will perform different actions. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen a bonus gauge is visible. Above the gauge the number of successful chain attacks is displayed. The developers haven't shed any light on the workings of this bonus gauge yet, though.

Final Fantasy XIII is set to hit retail store shelves on both sides of the Pacific sometime later this year.

I knew it'd be released in Japan, but I never thought that it'd be in America for 2009

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What about the EU? Or are we last again (as usual )

Squall_Leonhart said:
What about the EU? Or are we last again (as usual )

Hey you guys get Killzone 2 bundles.  

Anyway this is good news and is now on my 2009 most wanted list


yay, 2009 FFXIII ftw

Monster Hunter Tri

Name: Silver


I hope it hits NA/Europe in 2009. Ever since SE announced a demo for Japan in March I have suspected it would. Spring/Summer Japan release, Christmas holiday NA/Europe release?

Around the Network

FFXIII 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I HIGHLY doubt it will release in America in 2009. That would mean that it would release in Japan around Q2, then they would localize it here within the next 6 months. Don't get ur hope up kids.

PS3 region free FTW!

PSN ID: T_Gears

End of 2009 ltd sales:

Wii = 67-68m

X360 = 38-39m

PS3 = 34-35m

Prediction: The PS3 will surpass the 360 on weekly sales after it drops to $299 on all regular weeks (no big releases).

Vetteman94 said:
Squall_Leonhart said:
What about the EU? Or are we last again (as usual )

Hey you guys get Killzone 2 bundles.  

Anyway this is good news and is now on my 2009 most wanted list


There is that but i would give it away to get FFXIII at the same time as the US. I am beginning to hate SE for being so annoying with release dates, i mean having to wait over half a year to get FFXII after the US got it was a bloody joke!


america in 2009 is possible if they delay the 360 port