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Forums - General Discussion - Harvey Weinstein's Contract allowed for sexual harassment

CrazyGamer2017 said:


You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with communism. When did I say I was for communism? I only said at the beginning that capitalism defeated communism but capitalism only got us so far, you are deluded if you believe capitalism is the ultimate solution to our problems and that nothing better will ever be invented.

As for evolution its point is to produce (eventually) intelligence and self awareness which it has done with us humans and intelligence has allowed us to extract ourselves from the food chain and to master technology which in turn we use to better our lives so from that point it is logical to assume that eventually we'll create a society where predatory systems are a thing of the past, it cannot be otherwise cause without it, intelligence would be pointless, if we are only capable of creating a system that is predatory in its own way, there would be no substantial difference between staying in nature with its food chain and extracting ourselves from it.

You obviously don't understand evolution since you don't understand this concept. And yes, humanity is definitely uncivilized, what part of the wars, the abuses, slavery and other such predatory behaviors of humans you don't understand, what is civilized about that? And you add that we can never be perfect. But I never said we will ever be. But that does not mean we will NEVER develop a non predatory culture. How can you say we won't? Do you know the future? Do you know what mankind will be thousands of years from now? No, you most definitely don't.

You need to look at the big picture and you need to understand what makes us humans and what makes us humans is what will one day set us free and become actually civilized.

But if you don't understand that then we can not agree to anything, I'm afraid.

No the point of evolution is not to produce intelligence or awareness at all, it is to adapt to ones environment, this can actually mean reducing intelligence if that serves that purpose. you need to go and look up what evolution is as you are just plain wrong.

human nature makes what you describe impossible, especially in the current environment. Maybe if one day we are dominatred/subjegated as slaves then perhaps we could evolve to lose our predatory instinct where being submissive was a better survival trait. human instinct to achieve and climb the ladder is part of what makes us human and what makes society advance and yes it brings both good and bad with that. civilised and civilisation are not necessarly the same thing, many people in our civilisation act unciviled and that doesn't change the fact that we are an advancing civilisation.

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The victims wanted to further their career and the price was sexual. Doesn't this simply constitute a form of prostitution? is easy now that you are famous to say was abuse or to try to spin a harassment into rape and get a payday.

Unless he forcebly raped someone, I could care less. He traded his influence for sex, if you didn't liked you could always say no and lose the acting job.

SuperNova said:

Between Bill Cosby, Henry Weinstein and the horrible stories the two Coreys tell, it's becoming increasingly clear that hollywood is resting on a struckture of harrassment, sexual extortion and rape.

Everyone who has come out as a victim has said, that they were too scared and humiliated to say something earlier, and that their abusers made it clear that they would destroy their lives if they did. You hear the words 'very powerful men' thrown around a lot. The victims keep quiet about their own case, even as big names like Bill Cosby go down for this shit, because they are just too scared.

And seeing this info about Weinsteins contract, with good reason. Production companies, studios, even potentially social meadia are in on it and if not actively carrying it, at least perpetuating the problem. Just look at twitter suspendinig Rose McGowans account for speaking out.

The problem is, the only way to stop this, is to name names.

What did you expect from an institution that gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation.

Nymeria said:
kowenicki said:
How come I haven't seen thousands of angry women marching about this?

How come when some notable female and male celebrities were slating Trump last year (for far less) they didn't also bring this "open secret" to the attention of the world? Nothing to do with their own careers or incomes obviously.

Self serving, self righteous, scumbags. They were all part of the problem.

Because the Women's March was about laws and policies which the government has or wants to enact.

If Weinstein ran for public office he wouldn't get support from the people at the march.  As despicable as his actions were, they didn't have the far reaching consequences that various policies the state do.

Why didn't Fox News people march in the streets when years of Roger Ailes gross behavior went on there with it being an "open secret"?

Perhaps as opposed to making this a political issues of left versus right we could agree upon common decency that people don't have the right to abuse others. That especially those vulnerable to the powerful should be protected and have recourse.

Speaking of Women's March, this guy attended. Yet another male feminist after Devin Faraci, Andy Signore and Joss Whedon, who turned out to be a creep. Now, Ben Affleck can be added to that list too.

o_O.Q said:


less deluded at least than thinking communism is a good thing with all of the historical evidence we've seen

See how you don't get it? How am I deluded by communism when I am NOT a communist and I don't believe in communism?

Not only you are deluded as to what I say cause you don't seem to understand it but if on top of that you really believe capitalism is a finality when in fact it's only a step towards non predatory societies, you are so beside yourself.

I'm sorry but most of the rest of the things you say make no sense and I already explained why, if you did not understand before I don't believe you will understand now so perhaps we should keep it there mate.


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CrazyGamer2017 said:
o_O.Q said:


less deluded at least than thinking communism is a good thing with all of the historical evidence we've seen

See how you don't get it? How am I deluded by communism when I am NOT a communist and I don't believe in communism?

Not only you are deluded as to what I say cause you don't seem to understand it but if on top of that you really believe capitalism is a finality when in fact it's only a step towards non predatory societies, you are so beside yourself.

I'm sorry but most of the rest of the things you say make no sense and I already explained why, if you did not understand before I don't believe you will understand now so perhaps we should keep it there mate.



the type of system you have described whether you realise it or not is a communist system - this idea that humanity is uncivilised and needs to be controlled so there's no more conflict is the root of communist ideology

o_O.Q said:


the type of system you have described whether you realise it or not is a communist system - this idea that humanity is uncivilised and needs to be controlled so there's no more conflict is the root of communist ideology

At best it is a version of communism, which is a good thing.

Communism as we have seen in the USSR or North Korea is NOT what communism should be, they have dictatorship, they are brutal, don't allow for opinions, don't let people be free and happy.

In a way the communism we have seen over there is not really communism. the word communism means putting things in COMMON. like what families that take care of each other do. But just cause a dictatorial society who makes everyone poor and miserable is called communist, does not mean that the notion of communism, or at least a certain form of communism. (I don't like the word cause it tends to be politicized) would necessarily be bad.

All I can tell you is that the communism we have seen in the USSR, North Korea and China is bad, obviously but so is capitalism.

If I could summarize  bad communism and capitalism in one line I would say: Communism is a system where everybody's poor and you have no rights, capitalism is a system where you have rights ONLY if you can afford them, with money, which most people cannot.

And the type of better society I'm talking about has nothing to do with those communist dictatorships we have seen in the world.

EDIT: Oh and I never said humanity needs to be controlled, I said we are evolving and eventually we'll get to a NON predatorial type of society, where people will NOT need to crush others to succeed, that has nothing to do with a society where people are controlled.

CrazyGamer2017 said:
o_O.Q said:


the type of system you have described whether you realise it or not is a communist system - this idea that humanity is uncivilised and needs to be controlled so there's no more conflict is the root of communist ideology

At best it is a version of communism, which is a good thing.

Communism as we have seen in the USSR or North Korea is NOT what communism should be, they have dictatorship, they are brutal, don't allow for opinions, don't let people be free and happy.

In a way the communism we have seen over there is not really communism. the word communism means putting things in COMMON. like what families that take care of each other do. But just cause a dictatorial society who makes everyone poor and miserable is called communist, does not mean that the notion of communism, or at least a certain form of communism. (I don't like the word cause it tends to be politicized) would necessarily be bad.

All I can tell you is that the communism we have seen in the USSR, North Korea and China is bad, obviously but so is capitalism.

If I could summarize  bad communism and capitalism in one line I would say: Communism is a system where everybody's poor and you have no rights, capitalism is a system where you have rights ONLY if you can afford them, with money, which most people cannot.

And the type of better society I'm talking about has nothing to do with those communist dictatorships we have seen in the world.

EDIT: Oh and I never said humanity needs to be controlled, I said we are evolving and eventually we'll get to a NON predatorial type of society, where people will NOT need to crush others to succeed, that has nothing to do with a society where people are controlled.


"Communism as we have seen in the USSR or North Korea is NOT what communism should be"


...that is all communism can be... because communism relies on someone setting up a system of rules for a society to adhere to... once that person suffers from the same limitations a normal human suffers from then their system will be flawed


"But just cause a dictatorial society who makes everyone poor and miserable is called communist, does not mean that the notion of communism, or at least a certain form of communism. (I don't like the word cause it tends to be politicized) would necessarily be bad."


how can any communist system be anything but a ditatorship?


look i'll state this again - conflict arises in society because of individuality - communism seeks to resolve this problem by suppressing individuality so that there is no difference of perception that causes conflict, no difference in class causing conflict etc etc etc


this is only possible through dictatorship that suppresses individual liberty


"obviously but so is capitalism."


i'd agree that there needs to be a balance of capitalism and social care, but why is capitalism inherently bad from your view?


why is it bad to tell people that they should work hard and earn their keep instead of looking suck off the tits of the state?


"And the type of better society I'm talking about has nothing to do with those communist dictatorships we have seen in the world."


i'm trying to explain to you that despite what you may think its pretty obvious why communism always goes down the same direction


"Oh and I never said humanity needs to be controlled"


to suppress individuality, choice must be limited by control systems


" I said we are evolving and eventually we'll get to a NON predatorial type of society"


i'll state again that the purpose of evolution is not to bring about peace or conflict resolution... if anything the purpose of evolution is the opposite - to bring about organisms that are more adapted to the current environment and therefore more capable of surviving conflict and initiating and winning conflict


"where people will NOT need to crush others to succeed, that has nothing to do with a society where people are controlled."


people don't necessarily need to crush others to succeed but the problem is that people often CHOOSE to do so... why would you ever think that evolution would result in taking away an organism's option to choose to dominate?


i'd seriously like to hear where you've gotten this idea from? is it college classes? i mean no offense but i'm seriously curious about that

Hollywood is a fucked up place. They talk about being "progressive" and wanting to help deal with climate change, help the poor and all sorts of crap; yet all they do is fly their private jets around and take photo ops, while living like kings in their mansions. So what do you expect from these people?

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

Harvey Weinstein On Why He's Supporting Hillary Clinton | Morning Joe | MSNBC

... because criticism of HRC was "sexist" (no joke)