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CrazyGamer2017 said:
o_O.Q said:


the type of system you have described whether you realise it or not is a communist system - this idea that humanity is uncivilised and needs to be controlled so there's no more conflict is the root of communist ideology

At best it is a version of communism, which is a good thing.

Communism as we have seen in the USSR or North Korea is NOT what communism should be, they have dictatorship, they are brutal, don't allow for opinions, don't let people be free and happy.

In a way the communism we have seen over there is not really communism. the word communism means putting things in COMMON. like what families that take care of each other do. But just cause a dictatorial society who makes everyone poor and miserable is called communist, does not mean that the notion of communism, or at least a certain form of communism. (I don't like the word cause it tends to be politicized) would necessarily be bad.

All I can tell you is that the communism we have seen in the USSR, North Korea and China is bad, obviously but so is capitalism.

If I could summarize  bad communism and capitalism in one line I would say: Communism is a system where everybody's poor and you have no rights, capitalism is a system where you have rights ONLY if you can afford them, with money, which most people cannot.

And the type of better society I'm talking about has nothing to do with those communist dictatorships we have seen in the world.

EDIT: Oh and I never said humanity needs to be controlled, I said we are evolving and eventually we'll get to a NON predatorial type of society, where people will NOT need to crush others to succeed, that has nothing to do with a society where people are controlled.


"Communism as we have seen in the USSR or North Korea is NOT what communism should be"


...that is all communism can be... because communism relies on someone setting up a system of rules for a society to adhere to... once that person suffers from the same limitations a normal human suffers from then their system will be flawed


"But just cause a dictatorial society who makes everyone poor and miserable is called communist, does not mean that the notion of communism, or at least a certain form of communism. (I don't like the word cause it tends to be politicized) would necessarily be bad."


how can any communist system be anything but a ditatorship?


look i'll state this again - conflict arises in society because of individuality - communism seeks to resolve this problem by suppressing individuality so that there is no difference of perception that causes conflict, no difference in class causing conflict etc etc etc


this is only possible through dictatorship that suppresses individual liberty


"obviously but so is capitalism."


i'd agree that there needs to be a balance of capitalism and social care, but why is capitalism inherently bad from your view?


why is it bad to tell people that they should work hard and earn their keep instead of looking suck off the tits of the state?


"And the type of better society I'm talking about has nothing to do with those communist dictatorships we have seen in the world."


i'm trying to explain to you that despite what you may think its pretty obvious why communism always goes down the same direction


"Oh and I never said humanity needs to be controlled"


to suppress individuality, choice must be limited by control systems


" I said we are evolving and eventually we'll get to a NON predatorial type of society"


i'll state again that the purpose of evolution is not to bring about peace or conflict resolution... if anything the purpose of evolution is the opposite - to bring about organisms that are more adapted to the current environment and therefore more capable of surviving conflict and initiating and winning conflict


"where people will NOT need to crush others to succeed, that has nothing to do with a society where people are controlled."


people don't necessarily need to crush others to succeed but the problem is that people often CHOOSE to do so... why would you ever think that evolution would result in taking away an organism's option to choose to dominate?


i'd seriously like to hear where you've gotten this idea from? is it college classes? i mean no offense but i'm seriously curious about that