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vivster said:
Slow Nintendo news day?

I would have to disagree, and call this a very fast Nintendo news day.

You could have Tattoo'd NX on it and revealed that lol

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

AbbathTheGrim said:
Looking forward to Onion's next bet.

Oh my god 😂😂😂

Lmao well it hasn't been "a few days" yet. Nor is it Friday which could have coincided with that other rumor.

Also apparently Red Dead Online is now a thing.

But hey! At least you stuck to your word. Or maybe you were planning to make this thread all along and just needed the perfect master troll plot LMAO!

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NX hasnt even been revealed yet and its already delivering!

I thought youd wait some more, but I cant complain. Best thread 10/10

Probably the only Nintendo exclusive I would consider getting.

LOL WTF , hahaha, nobody will complain about that either. 


BTW i nominate Onionberry as the mod , for her butt LOL