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Forums - Sony Discussion - World of Final Fantasy (PS4/PSV) demo launches October 17 in the west, opening movie (UPDATE: Released in NA and EU - OP Updated with "Detailed info and Links")

I'll check out the demo as on the fence about this one.

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This game just looks fresh and fun im excited to try the demo.

Thought about delaying buying this game but Amazon messed up on its pricing that i will be able to get the regular edition of this game $20 cheaper at launch :)

The "chibi" style really repels me. Lets hope the game is amazing because visuals alone are not doing it for me.

I don't really like the trailer but the game looks lovely and for what I have seen looks like is gonna be good, is cool that they are doing demo for this one, so people soon will know if there are reasons to be hyped.

Hiku said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Galbadia? What about Balamb? You a traitor? :O

I actually meant Balamb. lol Mixed up their names. =p

Look at the beauty!

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Hopefully the demo gets people on board

Nice. I will give it a try!

Time to decide - PS4 or Vita!

Any opinions yet?

Just started downloading the demo, hopefully I won't regret my pre-order decisions.