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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokken won't be called Pokken in Germany because apparently the name is too sick

And this is why Nintendo will fail

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So your source is your wall?

It's a stupid name and most people will probably not even realize what it's refering to, so they actually should change it. It means "small pox" in Dutch as well.

Took only two posts! Better luck next time! Apprently because "Pokken" is German for smallpox

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lionpetercarmoo said:
And this is why Nintendo will fail

Because they don't call their games smallpox tournament? Ok?

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

Boutros said:
Took only two posts! Better luck next time!

Wikipedia says it's called Pokemon Tekken in Germany though, I think Rol just failed with the source this time

Teeqoz said:
Boutros said:
Took only two posts! Better luck next time!

Wikipedia says it's called Pokemon Tekken in Germany though, I think Rol just failed with the source this time

Wow. It was a test within a test. We failed.

RolStoppable said:
Boutros said:

Wow. It was a test within a test. We failed.

Better luck next time!

One has to wonder why you're only just now posting this. It was announced 3 months ago. I bet you're doing it to troll Nintendo.

So they actually changed for no reason.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.