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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who won the E3? THE VGCHARTZ-VOTE Thread - You decide!


Who won the E3 ? @ All VGChartz User

The PlayStation 4 (Sony) 1,279 68.03%
The Xbox1 (MS) 279 14.84%
nintendo digital event 105 5.59%
see results 217 11.54%

The big 3: Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. Who won the E3 for you ?

That's the VGChartz Vote thread. Who has impressed you and why ?

For me, the winner is the PlayStation 4.
Sony helps the Shenmue-makers in developing and financially. Thats amazing! i love the Yakuza Games and Shenmue! Shenmue 3 is coming for the PS4, officially!
The gameplay of Horizon: Zero Dawn was very amazing! Big world, amazing graphic, best new ip @ E3 for me.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Yes, really - That is so amazing!!! Its my favourite RPG after Persona 4 and Dragon Quest 8.
And the Last Guardian coming 2016 for PlaySTation 4 < 3 Oh my god < 3
And the next NIER (2)-Game coming for PS4 yeeeesss! Square Enix and PlatinumGames produced the PS4-Title.

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E3 is all about who dropped the biggest bombs, and even though a lot of Sony's bombs were multiplats, its undeniable that they had the best announcements, which makes them the victors this time around 

PC is the obvious winner this gen.

In my opinion Sony won, followed by Microsoft and finally Nintendo.

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You should add Square Enix in the poll. They were the true winners.

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Do we even have to make a thread to point out who won? LOL

I watched the Sony conference in whole yesterday and I must say it wasn't actually handled that well. Of course people will remember it most for the reveals but from a presentation standpoint it was quite lackluster.
The pacing was all over the place and the biggest announcements were cut off short.

I remember a time when Epic Jack dropped the price of the PS4 and then let the audience cheer for quite a while. While this time they're almost leisurely brush over the biggest announcement of the year with a few comments and follow it up with an indie montage of a leser known developer.

It wasn't the party it should have been with these kind of announcements.


But considering that all of the games I'm interested in will come to PS4 and some exclusively it's really a clear choice. When was the last time we had such a clear victory?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

DeusXmachina said:
You should add Square Enix in the poll. They were the true winners.

While that rings true, they get big deductions for being silent about DQ11.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

mZuzek said:
Nintendo obviously won and anyone who disagrees is a blind fanboy.

I know you´re being sarcastic but they definitely took the crown in terms of 2015 releases since that´s all they´ve been showing (9-10 Wii U titles for 2015). Sony won when you look at big reveals, wow moments and 2016+ releases, no contest there imo.