KazumaKiryu on 17 June 2015
The big 3: Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. Who won the E3 for you ?
That's the VGChartz Vote thread. Who has impressed you and why ?
For me, the winner is the PlayStation 4.
Sony helps the Shenmue-makers in developing and financially. Thats amazing! i love the Yakuza Games and Shenmue! Shenmue 3 is coming for the PS4, officially!
The gameplay of Horizon: Zero Dawn was very amazing! Big world, amazing graphic, best new ip @ E3 for me.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Yes, really - That is so amazing!!! Its my favourite RPG after Persona 4 and Dragon Quest 8.
And the Last Guardian coming 2016 for PlaySTation 4 < 3 Oh my god < 3
And the next NIER (2)-Game coming for PS4 yeeeesss! Square Enix and PlatinumGames produced the PS4-Title.