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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2014 - Stage 1 - Round 13

Welcome to the VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2014, please read the rules.

The Rules.

1. Vote from your favourite to least favourite, feel free to copy paste this template and use it. 5p is full points, 1p is 1 point. If you're still unsure ask me for clarification.

5p - Batman
4p - Spiderman
3p - Superman
2p - Catwoman
1p - Green Lantern.

2. ONE vote per round.
3. Must have over 200 posts.
4. Users in the Tournament CAN vote in EVERY round. Even their own.
5. NO flaming or insults will be tolerated. Not even sly digs.
6. Thread bumping is allowed in discretion, but asking for votes is no longer allowed.

Previous Rounds: [1[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

These are the prelims, the highest 2 voted for out of the 5 will progress.

axumblade outlawauron Anfebious Slarvax vivster
Last Round Results:
Congamer - 134pts
badgenome- 109pts
theprof00 - 102pts
Augen - 95pts
Celador - 68pts


People who made it to Stage 2:
- ktay95
- gergroy
- Zekkyou
- Boutros
- starcraft
- Ryuu96
- pbroy
- kirby007
- Jizz_Beard_thePirate
- MohammadBadir
- Veknoid_Outcast
- Ka-pi96
- TiagoCosta
- Shinobi-San
- Smeags
- AZWification
- RavenXtra
- gooch_destroyer
- bananaking21
- curl-6
- Carl2291
- iceland
- Conegamer
- badgenome

Around the Network

Talk about another difficult round...


5p - Outlawaron.

4p - Axumblade.

3p - Anfebious.

2p - Slarvax.

1p - vivster. (Sorry ;_;)

5p Vivistar
4p Axumblade
3p Anferbious
2p Outlauron
1p Slarvax

This is the hardest round ever. Also, congrats to Conegamer. Sorry I forgot to vote for you, but I appreciate it when you lock the threads.

5p - axum
4p - Anfebious - Sorry! :'( ... On second thoughts, you didn't give me 5 points, so we are even.
3p - outlaw - great user too
2p - slarvax - great user too
1p - vivster - great user that was in the wrong round

5p - Axum
4p - outlawron
3p - Anfebious
2p - vivster
1p - slarvax


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Around the Network

5p - axumblade - He's a really good guy. He gets me.
4p - Slarvax - Ever since I've bumped into him, he has grown on me.
3p - outlawauron - One of my old buddies. Always reasonable.
2p - Anfebious - A great user to the board.
1p - vivster - very good user as well.

Wish some of you could have been in another round.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

This round is terrible! OMG no fair!
5p Slarvax
4p Anfebious
3p outlawauron
2p vivster
1p axumblade

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

5p - outlawauron
4p - vivster
3p - axumblade
2p - Slarvax
1p - Anfebious

Lots of excellent users in this round, very hard to rank you guys :(

5p - axumblade (An all-around great guy. Fun to talk to, and apparently the 2nd best looking guy on VGC :D)
4p - Slarvax (Does excellent work in the Nintendo thread. Always look forward to reading his news posts)
3p - Anfebious (Pretty fun guy, but don't talk to him as much as I'd like to :( )
2p - outlawauron (Don't know him as well, but I enjoy reading his posts & he always seems to have some pretty interesting avatars :P )
1p - vivster (Another user I don't know as well, but makes some interesting & insightful posts on various topics)

5p - axumblade
4p - outlawauron
3p - Slarvax
2p - vivster
1p - Anfebious