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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Top 25 Hack 'n' Slash Games.

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What's your favourite hack 'n' slash game series?

God of War 106 54.36%
Devil May Cry 12 6.15%
Ninja Gaiden 8 4.10%
Bayonetta 48 24.62%
Onimusha 4 2.05%
Darksiders 3 1.54%
Other... 12 6.15%

I like how the only entries are 3D games. The best "hack n slash" games of all time, IMO, are 2D............

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Never played Darksiders or Ninja Gaiden, but from the rest Bayonetta easily wins.
The games have so much style; visually and aesthetically. Just needs some work with the story and length.

Not really a fan of God of Wars.
I liked DMC3 but Dante is a wanker, and not fond of the music.
Have had fun with Onimusha, but needs some refinement to the combat.

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NNID: Maraccuda              
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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
DMC was such a good series until their latest one T_T

(Why yes, I am one of those turds that complain about the hair! He made Dante more emo damn it! He needs the hair!!!)

You probably never even played it because of the "hair" too right? Because it's easily a better game than DMC2 or DMC4 and not too far off from DMC3 either.

Anyways, God of War is the best overall. 5 games, 5 amazing ones. Ninja Gaiden Black though might be the single best one for me though. And Bayo 2 is off to a helluva start from the first few chapters. If the franchise can keep going, GOW could be getting knocked off in the future for me.

DevilRising said:
I like how the only entries are 3D games. The best "hack n slash" games of all time, IMO, are 2D............

Yeah, the list is only for 3D games in this particular genre. I updated the title for you.

I have no interest in 2D games of this kind, also I don't believe they should be lumped together with the 3D games.