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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Favorite and least favorite Wii U indie game?

Least favourite: Abyss (that's indie, isn't it?)

favourite: Toki Tori 2+ (the reason I love Two Tribes and bought their other games)

I don't hate Microsoft, I don't hate PC,
I don't prefer Sony, I don't prefer Nintendo.
...Ok, I love Nintendo but this is something about tolerance, ok?

I'm a gamer with one of the greatest hobbies and I want to share this greatness with everyone.

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Least favorite: Trine 2

Favorite: Don't have one.

Little Inferno

I haven't bought anything I didn't like so far, but the game I've played the least would be Edge. Good game though.
My favourite purchase is easily Runner 2.

I havent really bought a bad one, Trine 2, Runner 2, Nano Assault and Swords and soldiers are the standouts.

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A lot of good games on the eshop, but lets see...

Bad: Chasing aurora. Funny for a while.

weird: Little inferno. Interesting concept, but is not a game really.

Better: Tie between: Shovel knight, Mighty switch force & mutant modds


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

Least favorite: Edge.

Favorite: Unepic.

I dislike The Letter, I can't even consider a "least favorite"

My favorites would be, Unepic, Master Reboot, Ittle Dew, Spot the Differences party, Shovel Knight, 1001 Spikes, and Stick It To The Man

Favorite: Giana Sisters for sure!
*closely followed by Mighty swith force*

Least: Can't say i've bought a bad one, but for sake of ranking it would be Nano assault, just because it could have a little more content.

My favorite is definitely Knytt Underground.

Least favorite has to be Bit.Trip Presents: Runner 2.
It's by no means a bad game, it's just the least good one I've bought so far.