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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2013 - Stage 1 - Wildcard Round 1

Welcome to the VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2013, please read the rules.

The Rules.

1. Choose 5 users out of the 8 listed below and vote for them in the following way:

5p - Batman
4p - Spiderman
3p - Superman
2p - Catwoman
1p - Green Lantern.

2. ONE vote per round.
3. Must have over 200 posts.
4. Users in the Tournament CAN vote in EVERY round. Even their own.
5. NO flaming or insults will be tolerated. Not even sly digs.
6. Thread bumping is allowed in discretion, but asking for votes is no longer allowed.

Previous Rounds: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]

In this round, the highest 3 voted for out of the 8 will progress.


Kantor F0X outlawauron
Sal.Paradise tbone51 Barozi Mmmfishtacos
Last Round Results:
Salnax - 148
AlphaCielago - 117
archbrix - 109
BenVTrigger - 105
JohnLucas - 61


People who made it to Stage 2:
- Boutros
- CGI-Quality
- Wright
- pezus
- NiKKoM
- Michael-5
- axumblade
- JayWood2010
- brendude13
- Veknoid_Outcast
- RolStoppable
- pokoko
- morenoingrato
- NintendoPie
- badgenome
- TruckOSaurus
- Carl2291
- lestatdark
- Smeags
- yo_john117
- M.U.G.E.N
- gooch_destroyer
- BasilZero
- pbroy
- Conegamer
- Euphoria14
- think-man
- JoeTheBro
- Salnax
- AlphaCielago

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

I've had to reorganize the Wildcard Rounds since Round 12 had two 3rd place users. Leaving me with 16 members instead of the planned 15. So instead of having 2 rounds of 5 and 1 round of 6, I opted for 2 rounds of 8. This way the odds are the same for everyone. I'll vote right away to avoid confusion:

5p - Kantor
4p - outlawauron
3p - miz1q2w3e
2p - Barozi
1p - f0x

Signature goes here!

5p - Miz1q2w3e

4p - Outlawy :3

3p - Mmmfishtacos

2p - Sal.Paradise

1p - Tbone51

So we can still only vote for 5?

5p outlawauron
4p tbone (not sure how you didn't make it through)
3p miz1q2w3e
2p Barozi
1p Mmmfishtacos

I assume this is how it works.






Around the Network

5p: Kantor (If you guys were on modchat, you'd know what an awesome person Kantor is. Really one of VGChartz's best members, and a heck of a deputy head mod/detective!)
4p: OutlawAuron (Always able to participate in my Top 50 Events, which I really appreciate. Also... We are Tharja. We are Legion.)
3p: Barozi (Although he hasn't been around much lately... *sadface* I did get to ban him for a day though. *bro... fist*)
2p: Miz1q2w3e (Photoshop extraordinaire and a great guy all around. I miss him a bunch. )
1p: F0X (Great guy that participated in my Top 50 event *conspiracy!* Also great with discussion!)

Bunch of great users in that group!

Smeags said:

2p: Miz1q2w3e (Photoshop extraordinaire and a great guy all around. I miss him a bunch. )

If you miss him, you could just go to his wall and say hello. Or to Skype. Or Steam. You complain too much! :P

Smeags said:
5p: Kantor (If you guys were on modchat, you'd know what an awesome person Kantor is. Really one of VGChartz's best members, and a heck of a deputy head mod/detective!)
4p: OutlawAuron (Always able to participate in my Top 50 Events, which I really appreciate. Also... We are Tharja. We are Legion.)
3p: Barozi (Although he hasn't been around much lately... *sadface* I did get to ban him for a day though. *bro... fist*)
2p: Miz1q2w3e (Photoshop extraordinaire and a great guy all around. I miss him a bunch. )
1p: F0X (Great guy that participated in my Top 50 event *conspiracy!* Also great with discussion!)

Bunch of great users in that group!

no problem. just make me a Mod now and i can find out for my self then! 


5p - Kantor
4p - F0X
3p - Miz1q2w3e
2p - Barozi
1p - T-bone