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Forums - General Discussion - China is exporting pollution to the US

Study links outsourced manufacturing with air pollution in the Western US

Chinese exports are directly contributing to air pollution in the US, according to a study published yesterday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a leading science journal. The country's massive export industry accounts for about 20 percent of its total pollution output, the authors write, in what is the first paper to quantify the impact of Chinese exports on US air quality.

The paper was authored by nine scientists from the US, the UK, and China, and was published this week after more than two years of research. The authors used data from 2006 to examine how air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and black carbon are propelled by strong winds from China to the west coast of the US, as part of an effort to better understand the environmental dynamics of interlinked economies.


Chinese exports still account for a small percentage of overall air pollution in the US, compared to emissions from cars and refineries, though their effects vary by region. According to the study, China's export industries are responsible for between 12 and 24 percent of daily sulfate concentrations in the Western US, while outsourced manufacturing has actually improved air quality in the Eastern US. Every year, Los Angeles sees at least one extra day of elevated smog levels due to the manufacturing of products destined for Europe and the US.

The authors say their results prove that outsourcing manufacturing to China doesn't necessarily mean that the US and other countries are completely free of its environmental impacts.

"When you buy a product at Wal-Mart, it has to be manufactured somewhere," Steve Davis, a scientist at the University of California Irvine and one of the paper's co-authors, said in a statement. "The product doesn't contain the pollution, but creating it caused the pollution."

Davis and his co-authors also say their work could be used to help negotiate international emissions treaties, which have proven contentious in the past. "International cooperation to reduce transboundary transport of air pollution must confront the question of who is responsible for emissions in one country during production of goods to support consumption in another," they said in a statement.


Thoughts? Yay, nay or just get me my PS4 dammit. 

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Why not? They make everything else for us. They may as well make our pollution, too.

Don't care. It's just the way of business.

I envy you americans, you get everything cheaper, and in this case, for free...

Well, what you going to about it? China isn't going to be kicked around by Americans whinging about their air quality, hell they'd probably just say look at Beijing and say "well you think you got problems"

On the plus side I believe the new leadership in China want to introduce measures to try and improve their own environment, though whether or not they'll be successful is very much up in the air. Either way at least they're trying and besides, it's in the nature of pollution that the country creating it isn't the only one affected, there are probably other countries whose air quality is compromised by USA emissions

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Meanwhile US made pollution in the form of explosions, destroyed buildings etc. Has made vast areas of land in the middle east downright uninhabitable.. Funny thing is that it was caused in order to pollute its own territories with oil. Point is. Why care about it only after it affects you?

And what about the US's pollution? Where does that go? Canada and Europe?
Quite a silly study.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Where can I buy some? We Canadians always have to pay more for less.

But the US Appeals Court said that pollution can't even cross state lines! What sorcery could make pollution cross international boundaries?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.