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Forums - Sony Discussion - My opinion on various ps4 games (kz, bf4, ac4 after some extensive time) Come and read!



Boo, kz deserves better, go buy an xbox one! 7 17.95%
Nice! 9 23.08%
You know nothing! 0 0%
I agree! 4 10.26%
I think kz should be higher.... 8 20.51%
hmmm... 3 7.69%
Not sure 0 0%
No, No, No! 1 2.56%
lol 3 7.69%
"Cries" 4 10.26%

So, made a thread awhile ago on first impressions, so this is after more hours of gameplay. I'm just rating these on what I have played.


First, this game looks amazing, def next gen. The singleplaer campaign is kind of mudane to be honest. There seems to be all these extra task like turn off generators/ put some weird thing into the floor to open the door. The flying sections are just plain weird too. I'm not finished yet, but to be honest I don't particuallry like the sp that much in sf compared to previous titles. There are some open areas, but eventually just becomes another linear shooter with weird sections tacked on. The mo-cap and voice acting are top knotch.


Now, kz never really grabbed me with mp in previous games, but I decided to give it a try. The game is very smooth in mp and everything's unlocked so you can just jump in. There isn't a wide selection of guns at all though. Don't remember if this is a staple of the kz franchise, but compared to bf4 , there’s alot less variety. The maps seem kind of small too, but it usually fine for most. The park map is one of my favorites. It might br the pretty scenery though xD Matches usually devolve into the teams spawn camping the other in alot of matches. There are multiple ways to get out, but honestly it isn’t hard at all to spawn camp. The turrets can be avoided by standing out of there range and waiting for the other team to come out. There isn't in game chat either which is kind of weird. This might just be me, but I enjoy unlocking new weapons, but it may just be the lack of gun choice. The classes have nice abilities of their own like drones and turrets so that’s cool. The guns all do feel nice and distinct though. There is a learning curve since there’s no aim assist. I adapted quickly though so that wasn't a problem. There doesn't seem to be may players either(note this is an observation before the eu launch). There aren't taht many warzones that are populated out of the front page ones. Digging deeper will let you see tons, but with no players in them. I'm sure I will still play some more mp since it is decent. Oh, almost forgot, this game has some really indestructible environments. I can't seem to break any of the windows in this game. Destructibility is practically nonexistent even for some rather simple things. It shows off the graphical abilities of the ps4, but is kind of a bland game for being the title for the ps4.

Overall Score: 7/10

Ok first things first. Dice took there sweet fucking time fixing this broken mess of a game on the ps4. I mean like seriously, wtf! My sp data got coruppted, so that save is gone and mp didn't even work for ages. Ok, on to it then.


If you are expecting a fantastic story that tugs onto your heartstrigs, then you are in the wrong place. The single player should be taken for what it is, a bombastic shooting game with awesome moments. The stroy is just bad. The graphics look amazing in this game, like seriously!The envioments are really pretty from some desert wastleland to china with all the rain and neon colors. This game is absolutly gorgeous. Voice acting is decent too. There is a wide selction of guns to use in sp. It's just a nice thing to play just for fun really.



The meat and bones of bf. It returns with a wide assortment of modes and 64 players. I tried playing conquest and the lag was unbearable. All the other modes like rush are fine though. They def need to fix it. Now, there’s is a very big list of guns with tons of attachments to put on. The maps are huge when playing conquest/rush.  it's complete chaos with soldiers/vehicles everywhere. The environments are destructible too. Some buildings can't be completely leveled though. Levolution seems to be ok in general. Some do change up the map for better or worse though. There are tons of vehicles and the mp looks gorgeous even with 64 players online. Some weird things are that you can't change your loadout on the main menu. You have to go into a game or test range to configure your loadout. The app does that too. I found it a bit jarring, that I couldn't do something so simple though. The servers have tons of players. The unlock system is based on your level and your class progression/type of gun progress. So you are constantly striving towards that new unlock. Battlepacks on the other hand are a bit hit and miss. They give you attachments to gus you haven't unlocked yet, it's all random. There doesn't seem to be a way to unlock camo on guns besides battleplacks for most of them. All the modes are fine when they work. I found rush to be a good middle ground between the excessively huge conquest and smaller domination. It has limited vehicles too, but 32 players or 30, not sure lol. There will be two scores for this game. I enjoyed the mp for this more then kz, hell the sp too lol.

Current Score:7/10

-some modes don't work all that well

When mp is fixed: 8/10

Lets get this out of the way first. It's infinetly better then ac3 by miles. AC3 was aweful. This game was a whole lot better. The only reason I got this game was because Watchdogs was delayed. I'm so glad I did though!


The story, is more of a pirates tale of adventure, well that’s how I play it like xD. The actual story has a/t with pirates. It was cool meeting all those famous pirates. The combat is the same as previous ac, but  now with dual guns and free aim. I liked the duel pistols alot, since you can chain up to four shots when fully upgraded. It makes you feel like such a badass. The stealth is better in this game since the game design does a relatively good job of it. Let’s get all that out of the way and free roam doing whatever you desire. It gives you the seven seas to sail at your whim discovering brand new locations while engaging in ship battles along the way. There are tons of side activities like collecting keys to unlock a Templar outfit. There so much content. to explore. The graphics are really nice too, not as impressive as bf4/kz though, but this is a cross gen open word game. Still the game looks just gorgeous though. Ths gives you a sense of adventure exploring the seas to your hearts content. The ship combat has been improved since ac3 by quite a bit. The battles themselves are challenging and just plain fun. Most important of all, it is a damn good pirate game! If you like the better ac's like 2 and brotherhood or pirates then you will love this game. The main char is also better then conner, more like Ezio. There are some glitches, but nothing gamebreaking at all.



No clue

Overall Score: 9/10

Have any questions? Go ahead and ask them! I haven't finished all these games though so I might not know something story wise lol.

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So... what do you give knack? an 8.8?

I haven't played these games yet so I cant comment

Max King of the Wild said:
So... what do you give knack? an 8.8?

I haven't played knack at all, so no clue really. Where did the 8.8 come from unless this is sarcasm of some kind xD

Are you a fan of the AC franchise? How does AC4 compare to the rest. Saying its better than 3 isnt saying much

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Shinobi-san said:
Are you a fan of the AC franchise? How does AC4 compare to the rest. Saying its better than 3 isnt saying much

Damn sad but true on that 3 comment. It's more ac2/brotherhood like in a general feeling lol. I would rate it up there with them. The game opens up alot faster and hell I just love the whole concept of an open world pirate game. I would rate this as in my top 2 ac games with 3 being dead last.

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BloodyRain said:
Shinobi-san said:
Are you a fan of the AC franchise? How does AC4 compare to the rest. Saying its better than 3 isnt saying much

Damn sad but true on that 3 comment. It's more ac2/brotherhood like in a general feeling lol. I would rate it up there with them. The game opens up alot faster and hell I just love the whole concept of an open world pirate game. I would rate this as in my top 2 ac games with 3 being dead last.

nice :D

You seem like you a fan of the series. I guess i should be excited for it then

Is the combat similar to brotherhood or AC 2? In brotherhood they had a killstreak type of system..but i see it hasnt returned to the series since :(

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Ugh, Battlefield deserves a lower score, but other than that, nice reviews/rating. ACIV is fantastic :D

My thoughts after finishing them:

KZ SF - 6/10
ACIV - 7/10

Shinobi-san said:
Are you a fan of the AC franchise? How does AC4 compare to the rest. Saying its better than 3 isnt saying much

I'm a huge fan, and Assassin's Creed IV has the best gameplay to date; The best is still II, but if IV had a better modern story, it'd be the best.  That's how good it is. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

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I'll be playing Battlefied 4 today. I've been too engrossed in NBA 2K14 to care about much else lately.

For NBA 2K14 - 8/10

For Killzone: Shadow Fall - 6/10 (HUGELY disappointing SP, and slightly disappinting MP)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - 9/10 (Finally a return to greatness)

Battlefield 4 - TBA

I am the Playstation Avenger.