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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - EVERY Nintendo published WiiU game shown at E3 will be 1080p60fps.

This is what I was reading at GAF. Yes, even "X".

What are your thoughts on this?

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Will the actual games run at that speed? Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Well ...I guess Wii U is next gen ;)

Thats rather impressive, it seems like what some people were expecting for next gen. X looked rather nice.

Awesomes! Can't wait to see these games myself later today, namely Mario Kart 8! ^_^

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Einsam_Delphin said:
Awesomes! Can't wait to see these games myself later today, namely Mario Kart 8! ^_^

You lucky bastard! I don't understand why Nintendo can't make the demos additionally aviable at the eshop '*(

i dont think so, 1080p60 fps maybe in Marios, Kart, Donkey etc.

X, Bayo2....impossible

DieAppleDie said:
i dont think so, 1080p60 fps maybe in Marios, Kart, Donkey etc.

X, Bayo2....impossible

Impossible? wtf are you king of game development?

lol dont get so mad Super C, were friends

i dont think it will happen, but i would gladly accept it lol

not that i care honestly...1080...720...who cares?

DieAppleDie said:
lol dont get so mad Super C, were friends

i dont think it will happen, but i would gladly accept it lol

not that i care honestly...1080...720...who cares?

Everbody in this goddamn community cares... look how many fanboys are bragging about the power of their favorite console!

This is a very positive Nintendo news IMO that should be heard everywhere. Positive Nintendo news are being ignored most of the time.