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Forums - Sony Discussion - Wow the sensitivity is insane over a console.

Somewhat here  but not as much on N4G.  So i click the link like i do pretty much all links to see what the crazy post to see the 6 Reasons You Shouldn't Buy A PS4. Talk about whining.  Needless to say I look at where the article is coming from and its Funny or Die.

o.O  sad part even on the Funny or Die site they are in an uproar.

Lighten up people its only a videogame system I hope your life don't depend on it. 

Should you be excited of course new tech is always good.  But use a little cognitive reasoning.  There's no need to respond to every post.  If you read up some one said the exact same thing you said.

I cant wait until both are release so I can enjoy both then sit back eating popcorn watch the heads explode

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yea, fanboys act like it's their dick at stake

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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SHHH! You can't say that here. People will get offended

Don't worry about it. The Wii U had its turn, now the PS4, and next is the Microsoft entry.

I've already got the frame of an article constructed about how the 720 is destroying gaming because they're focusing on _______ instead of ______. All I need are the details. They aren't important in and of themselves, they're just needed for continuity reasons.

I can't wait.

dont visit n4g, all the news are just opinion articles from noname websites

Can we just say that every console sucks until it's life is over or near an end? Because that's basically what I see on these forums. People need to lower their expectations a little I mean what more could you ask for outta the PS4 for now (knowing E3 still is there to show games).

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pezus said:
What is truly sad though is that someone already wrote an article about why you shouldn't by PS4 when we know so little about it.

The same thing will happen to the NeXbox when it gets announced.  They will all get bashed.  Wont stop me from playing them though.