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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto says Pikmin 3 will be more like Pikmin 1 than 2

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Mr Khan said:
I would seriously reconsider wanting to buy it if it had a 30-day limit like Pikmin 1. I've been thinking about giving Pikmin a chance, but i really don't like games with overarching time limits (that's also what scared me clean off of Majora's Mask, which i've never mustered the guts to play)

Have you ever played a Pikmin game before?

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NiKKoM said:
Mr Khan said:
I would seriously reconsider wanting to buy it if it had a 30-day limit like Pikmin 1. I've been thinking about giving Pikmin a chance, but i really don't like games with overarching time limits (that's also what scared me clean off of Majora's Mask, which i've never mustered the guts to play)

uhm.. is that for real? I don't believe you... if so I don't wanna be the one who is gonna tell him..

I know about the Song of Time, if that's what you mean. I actually have "played" Majora's Mask before, but it was me borrowing a friend's cartridge just to dick around with all of the masks (including Fierce Deity), but i still don't like the idea of time management.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Kresnik said:
Mr Khan said:
I would seriously reconsider wanting to buy it if it had a 30-day limit like Pikmin 1. I've been thinking about giving Pikmin a chance, but i really don't like games with overarching time limits (that's also what scared me clean off of Majora's Mask, which i've never mustered the guts to play)

Have you ever played a Pikmin game before?

No, but i want to rectify that.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Khan, you do know you can use the Ocarina to travel back in time in Majora's Mask, right? It's not so much a time limit as it is time makes the different areas different at different points in time. You use the Ocarina to time travel and access different events at different times through the 3 days of the game. It's a masterpiece, you need to play it. Especially if it is remastered for 3DS or WiiU.

The idea of an overall time limit (not a level time limit) sounds like garbage.

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I played the first one, but the second one is still unopened because of Xenoblade Chronicles and lack of time. I did not liked the time limit of the original Pikmin, cause I like to explore all I want, but I don't know if it worked fine on Pikmin 2.

I don't like how that sounds, but will still give it a chance.

Mr Khan said:

No, but i want to rectify that.

You must.  Start with 1 though, not 3 (I see it is on your Gamrconnect Most Wanted, just presumed you'd played 1 &2!).  I understand why the idea of a time limit is off putting, but it's actually pretty difficult to use up all of the 30 days, even if you explore every nook and cranny.

And if you're really against the idea of a time limit, try the second.  But I'd recommend starting at the beginning.

MMMH I think that the best Pikmin is somewhere in teh middle.
Pikmin 2 shoudl be like Pikmin 1.5.

Pikmin 2 is a better game but i did not liek the cavesd much (as someone mentioned above)

Time Limit is a good source of stress I did quite enjoy it.


what the hell Shigsy! people obviously loved 2 more than 1!

he never did state it would be a day limit to the thing though so it might just be a limit in some arias that you need to complete certain tasks in a small amount of time

I'm just lying to my self now

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

I've always preferred Pikmin 2. So I guess I'm disappointed with the direction.