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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UPDATED (Dec 13th) WiiU's second week Hardware Totals! Make your PREDICTION!!


What do you think WiiU's 2nd week totals will be? (WW)

Much Lower (<200K) 7 11.86%
Lower (Around 250K) 5 8.47%
My Prediction (Around 300K) 27 45.76%
Higher (Around 350K) 13 22.03%
Much Higher (>400K) 7 11.86%

I think between 250k and 300k is reasonable worlwide. EU will leave Nintendo hanging though, NoE did a terrible job advertising the console over here. I will be surprised if the U breaks 80k second week in EU.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

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So, I just wanna be sure I've understood this right. We're here to predict what Wii U's global sales will be in it's second week of being available WW? So that week is actually THIS weeks sales? Since this is the second week it's available WW.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

You know that not the whole Europe launched yet? For example, Russia, we are NoE territory, but we'll start getting WiiU consoles only after 21th of December and in VERY limited amount. Yes, I know that Russia is Sonyland mostly, but Nin still can sell some thousands units here at launch...

Aielyn said:
__XBrawlX__ said:
I'd say a bit too optomistic, the Wii sold 2,954,781 units by the time 2006 came to a close, with roughly the same amount of time on shelves, and a stronger launch than the Wii U... I'd be more conservative and say maybe 2.5-3.0 million by years end, but thats just me :P

The Wii was also severely supply-constrained.

EDIT: Nintendo forecasts 5.5 million by end of March. For comparison, the Wii sold about 5.84 million by end of March 2007, and they'd forecasted 6 million (about right, considering the time it takes for stock to ship and then sell). Meanwhile, at least one analyst firm has predicted 3.5 million for 2012.

I guess yes you could say the fact that more WiiU's were shipped to account for any supply constraints will allow the console to sell more by the end of December, but the Wii was also that years "hot item" and every Wii that could be found was sold. Although the WiiU's increased # of units available can help,  the WiiU does not have the same "hot item" status attached to it.

I guess what I'm saying is that I agree that selling more than 3 million is very much a possibility, I just don't see it happening. The resale price for online vendors, and overall demand just doesn't seem high enough to outdo the Wii's performance in its first 2 months on the market. I could be wrong though! :P




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

And back to the topic - I agree it will be around 300 000 2nd week.

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DanneSandin said:
So, I just wanna be sure I've understood this right. We're here to predict what Wii U's global sales will be in it's second week of being available WW? So that week is actually THIS weeks sales? Since this is the second week it's available WW.

Well 2nd week of sales if we align the launches from the 3 major markets... So 2nd week sales (Next Week) in Europe and Japan where it just launched... and 2nd week sales (This week) for North America.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
Sharu said:
You know that not the whole Europe launched yet? For example, Russia, we are NoE territory, but we'll start getting WiiU consoles only after 21th of December and in VERY limited amount. Yes, I know that Russia is Sonyland mostly, but Nin still can sell some thousands units here at launch...

Yeah, here's hoping that the rest of Europe can boost the sales by enough to offset the poor first week... I think we won't see such a sharp drop after launch in Europe as we have and will in North America and Japan.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

About (130 000 / 412 000)*100 percent of the first week sales in Europe. In japan, the same as first week with an error margin of about 20 percent in either direction.


KungKras said:
About (130 000 / 412 000)*100 percent of the first week sales in Europe. In japan, the same as first week with an error margin of about 20 percent in either direction.

31.5% of 1st week in Europe? Thats really low don't you think?? Do you mean it will go down by that amount?




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
__XBrawlX__ said:
Sharu said:
You know that not the whole Europe launched yet? For example, Russia, we are NoE territory, but we'll start getting WiiU consoles only after 21th of December and in VERY limited amount. Yes, I know that Russia is Sonyland mostly, but Nin still can sell some thousands units here at launch...

Yeah, here's hoping that the rest of Europe can boost the sales by enough to offset the poor first week... I think we won't see such a sharp drop after launch in Europe as we have and will in North America and Japan.

So I don't know, how's the supply situation in US/UK, but in Russia we had VERY supply constrained launch. No units at all.

Funny thing - they promised launch 30th of November, same as the rest of Europe, a lot of people preordered. But then 26th of Novemer Nintendo of Russia made an official statement: "Launch delayed till 21st of December."