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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Does WiiU selling less than Vita at launch in Japan mean anything?


Are you worried?

Yes I'm very worried 19 25.68%
No, there is nothing wrong imo 55 74.32%
Carl2291 said:
Nsanity said:
Is it just me or do some of the PS fans on this site like number spinning?

Its probably a bit of revenge. After the last Year of constant "Vita-bashing" from notable users, its quite funny to see the WiiU launching lower than it.

This thread isnt about sales, though. This is a "lets bash Turkish" thread, once again.

It's hard to blame either group who are doing the current bashing right now since they are both justified in a way.

I'll just look at this from afar being wary of both Vita and Wii-U not putting money done for either until Sony or Nintendo show that they understand what they fucked up this time.

Former something....

Around the Network
ethomaz said:
guiduc said:
Of course you have to consider it's been only 2 days on sale. So massive sales, very impressive!

I thing the others consoles launched in Saturday too... first weeks is always 2 days in Japan with little exceptions.

SHHHHHHHHHH! I'm trying to create illusions that the Wii U is doing good :P

*takes deep breath*

Okay. This thread is becoming a huge mess. Also, we already have a thread dedicated to Wii U's week one Japanese sales.

Stay classy guys. Locking.

This is starting to become ridiculous now.

Infact, it's so ridiculous I'll play along. Clearly the sales are so bad because it's only outselling the PS3 by around 400% that I should just burn my WiiU, tell everyone online not to get one and hopefully destroy every single unit out there. Because it's clearly the sane thing to do, saves us all a lot of time. It is a failure, after all.

Thanks; Turkish; for your incredible insight and totally non-bias view on the numbers


On the serious side, I was predicting 70-75% of Vita's FW sales which would give me very near these numbers. So an expected start. The attach rates also mean little; for it isn't as big a thing in Japan (view other systems for details). In the meantime, the WiiU looks to be in a good place. It will be the future which will be what the system is judged upon; not first week sales.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.