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Warner Bros. registers “Scribblenauts Unlimited” domain

June 1st, 2012 Posted in News, Posted by Valay, Wii U | No Comments »

A domain name for a possible new Scribblenauts title has been discovered. Earlier this week, Warner Bros.’s registrar nabbed the site “”.

Assuming this is a real game, perhaps it’ll come to Wii U. Developer 5th is rumored to be working on a launch game for the platform.

The Scribblenauts series has previously seen entries on the DS and iOS.

Well, this is a game that would fit Wii U controller perfectly.

I have the first Scribblenauts, and while indeed genius, it really lacks in the gameplay aspect (the " let a 2D platformer be controled by touch only" fatal mistake)

I heard that they improved a lot in the sequel to make it more fun and more like a real game - one day I'll try out it. And adjectives is another genius idea.

Anyway, what you guys think?  I think this have a lot of potential! Could even be a killer app if done right! This is in the gaming section, because it can goe anywhere, really. Like Vita, 3DS, Wii U or even the HD Twins or iOS.

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WiiU + Vita release is my guess. Both can take full advantage of a game like this and both have a 5" screen right?

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I could see this being multiplat Wii U & iOS. Maybe 3DS or Vita, but if they're going for an "HD" kind of thing, more likely just Wii U and iPad.

Euphoria14 said:

WiiU + Vita release is my guess. Both can take full advantage of a game like this and both have a 5" screen right?

Any touch device would be okay with the game. So my guess is Wii U + 3DS + Vita + iOS (in the future)

VicViper said:
Euphoria14 said:

WiiU + Vita release is my guess. Both can take full advantage of a game like this and both have a 5" screen right?

Any touch device would be okay with the game. So my guess is Wii U + 3DS + Vita + iOS (in the future)

This is a game that only uses touch controls?

I thought it used touch and actual analog/d-pad controls, that is why I went with the 2 devices that almost perfectly mimic one another.

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Euphoria14 said:
VicViper said:
Euphoria14 said:

WiiU + Vita release is my guess. Both can take full advantage of a game like this and both have a 5" screen right?

Any touch device would be okay with the game. So my guess is Wii U + 3DS + Vita + iOS (in the future)

This is a game that only uses touch controls?

I thought it used touch and actual analog/d-pad controls, that is why I went with the 2 devices that almost perfectly mimic one another.

No it's not just touch controls... but typing (and yoou type A LOT)  with anything else other than touch controls would be a pain!

But yeah, if your're saying Vita + PS3, it can mimic pretty well the Wii U.

VicViper said:
Euphoria14 said:
VicViper said:
Euphoria14 said:

WiiU + Vita release is my guess. Both can take full advantage of a game like this and both have a 5" screen right?

Any touch device would be okay with the game. So my guess is Wii U + 3DS + Vita + iOS (in the future)

This is a game that only uses touch controls?

I thought it used touch and actual analog/d-pad controls, that is why I went with the 2 devices that almost perfectly mimic one another.

No it's not just touch controls... but typing (and yoou type A LOT)  with anything else other than touch controls would be a pain!

But yeah, if your're saying Vita + PS3, it can mimic pretty well the Wii U.

Actually I wasn't talking about PS3 at all, just thought the WiiU tablet and Vita were almost identical in how they can play a game like this. I figured the game would display on the TV with the WiiU but all the gameplay would be done soley with the WiiU tablet, just as it would be done on the Vita without the need for a PS3.

I think WiiU Tablet has (2) extra shoulder buttons though, which could be mimicked with the Vita's back touch panel.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Euphoria14 said:
VicViper said:
Euphoria14 said:
VicViper said:
Euphoria14 said:

WiiU + Vita release is my guess. Both can take full advantage of a game like this and both have a 5" screen right?

Any touch device would be okay with the game. So my guess is Wii U + 3DS + Vita + iOS (in the future)

This is a game that only uses touch controls?

I thought it used touch and actual analog/d-pad controls, that is why I went with the 2 devices that almost perfectly mimic one another.

No it's not just touch controls... but typing (and yoou type A LOT)  with anything else other than touch controls would be a pain!

But yeah, if your're saying Vita + PS3, it can mimic pretty well the Wii U.

Actually I wasn't talking about PS3 at all, just thought the WiiU tablet and Vita were almost identical in how they can play a game like this. I figured the game would display on the TV with the WiiU but all the gameplay would be done soley with the WiiU tablet, just as it would be done on the Vita without the need for a PS3.

I think WiiU Tablet has (2) extra shoulder buttons though, which could be mimicked with the Vita's back touch panel.

Oh, it does not need buttons. Only d-pad, plus a jump button. The rest is touch.

Well, sure it's possible on vita alone, obviously (my guess is that its probably on vita too), but to "mimic" two screens with just one is strange, that's what I'm saying.


VicViper said:

Euphoria14 said:

Actually I wasn't talking about PS3 at all, just thought the WiiU tablet and Vita were almost identical in how they can play a game like this. I figured the game would display on the TV with the WiiU but all the gameplay would be done soley with the WiiU tablet, just as it would be done on the Vita without the need for a PS3.

I think WiiU Tablet has (2) extra shoulder buttons though, which could be mimicked with the Vita's back touch panel.

Oh, it does not need buttons. Only d-pad, plus a jump button. The rest is touch.

Well, sure it's possible on vita alone, obviously (my guess is that its probably on vita too), but to "mimic" two screens with just one is strange, that's what I'm saying. 

When I said "mimic" I was only referring to the WiiU tablet and not the TV, which is why my example had the TV being used for display only, with all the game itself being done on the tablet.

It was a WiiU tablet/Vita comparison, not a Vita/WiiU+Tablet.


Anyways, let's just agree that it will probably hit MANY platforms. alright?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Check this out... this is the original "leaker"

"Heh, I have never been a source of a news before, awesome :) (and don't think about just yoUrself, because thats kinda limiting the multiplatformness of your imagination)"

Wii U is almost guaranteed by his not so subtle hint.. now suspense for the multiplat thing! 3DS is almost sure for me, because of the game's history. Vita too because, well, it can do it pretty well.


He also said:

"I never said anything about controllers :)

And noo , I'm not gonna say anything more because they will bury me in the desert. And that's not funny when there is a lot of work to do."

So maybe Kinect or Move! The plot thickens hehe!