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Warner Bros. registers “Scribblenauts Unlimited” domain

June 1st, 2012 Posted in News, Posted by Valay, Wii U | No Comments »

A domain name for a possible new Scribblenauts title has been discovered. Earlier this week, Warner Bros.’s registrar nabbed the site “”.

Assuming this is a real game, perhaps it’ll come to Wii U. Developer 5th is rumored to be working on a launch game for the platform.

The Scribblenauts series has previously seen entries on the DS and iOS.

Well, this is a game that would fit Wii U controller perfectly.

I have the first Scribblenauts, and while indeed genius, it really lacks in the gameplay aspect (the " let a 2D platformer be controled by touch only" fatal mistake)

I heard that they improved a lot in the sequel to make it more fun and more like a real game - one day I'll try out it. And adjectives is another genius idea.

Anyway, what you guys think?  I think this have a lot of potential! Could even be a killer app if done right! This is in the gaming section, because it can goe anywhere, really. Like Vita, 3DS, Wii U or even the HD Twins or iOS.