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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Asuras Wrath Demo is out - Impressive but not Impressive..whhhhy

*sigh* Asura is the Japanese version of a cinematic game. It plays like an episode of Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Bleach and the like. It has all the corny overdramaticness of them too.  As the episode moves on you control the character by prompts. The nemies dont have a life bar but instead its freplace with a tension gauge that once you must fill before they kill. xxtra boost are rewared by pressing and timing the right prompts. once you fill the tension gauge you will be prompted to press the R2 which actiitates move that transitions to the next stage of battle


1st battle phase is on rails shoot em up you fill guage press R2 and Asura will do a fancy move( prompt cutscene)on the enemy after its dont

next phase is like fist fight..more controlled by prompts then actual input.. fill guage R2 fancy cutscene prompt move

next stage is a locked struggle mash O ..then win the struggle R2..fancy cutscenece move..

you getb the point.


the action on screen us awesome.but the fact you not doing anything button prompts is so disheartening

I dont have the heart to knock in completely.. but I dont know if i can hang with this kinda game.

anybody elses thoughts


Demos in english

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I knew it was gonna be like this the moment I saw the trailer

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

sad..been hearing bad impressions on it ...I wanted something to keep me occupied until GOW4 hits... hopefully DMC5 will deliver

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Oh no...=/

Damn, the more I hear about both Asura´s Wrath and Ninja Gaiden 3, the more I think they´ll be disappointing (to me, at least).

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I still think the demo warrants a playthrough though. If you were xxpecting DMC,NG or Bayonetta... from the demo.. the answer is no.

Xxain said:
I still think the demo warrants a playthrough though. If you were xxpecting DMC,NG or Bayonetta... from the demo.. the answer is no.

I was expecting Sengoku Basara 3.... do we get that atleast?

darkknightkryta said:
Xxain said:
I still think the demo warrants a playthrough though. If you were xxpecting DMC,NG or Bayonetta... from the demo.. the answer is no.

I was expecting Sengoku Basara 3.... do we get that atleast?

Not in the demo at least

I have it5 downloaded, but have yet to play it because I have been playing 13-2's demo hopefully i like it.

Hmm... sounds like it's the playable demo they've already shown... I was hoping it was something new.

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P