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Forums - Sales Discussion - When Will Total Home Console Sales in the UK Overtake Japan?


When Will Total Home Console Sales in the UK Overtake Japan?

June 2012 - PS3 and 360 c... 4 11.11%
December 2012 - will outs... 7 19.44%
2013 1 2.78%
Unsure 4 11.11%
It won't 20 55.56%

As of today Japan has a 1.54M lead over Wii, PS3 and 360 sales in the UK.

This year, Japan is 130k ahead.

The last 3 months of last year went like this

Japan - 620k
UK - 655k

Japan - 490k
UK - 475k

Japan - 50k
UK - 775k

Japan - 1,160M
UK - 1,950M

So 790k in UK's favour. If we see a similar trend this holiday the gap will close by half.


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I wouldn't be suprised if the UK over took Japan very soon. It just goes to show you Japan is becoming less and less important to a consoles success. The fact that Microsoft was able to beat PS3 while loosing Japan horrifically just shows the days of Japan dictating the outcome of the console wars is over.

Hopefully this means the UK gets better treatment. I know NOE is already giving UK gamers games that American's would die for. Maybe it will help right the wrongs of the injustice given to the UK over the years. Always getting games last or not at all its about time the UK gets games on time and some exclusives!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


It won't. The Wii U launch will be bigger in Japan.

I doubt any time soon as the vita and wii U launch will be EPIC in Japan.


Wii sales will likely be declining pretty drastically this holiday in the UK. They'll be down in Japan but not by a big margin since last year was already pretty crappy for the Wii as it was. And PS3 will likely be up by about 300k-400k in Japan. So I'd say the difference won't be very big for quarter 4.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

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kowenicki said:
blkfish92 said:
I doubt any time soon as the vita and wii U launch will be EPIC in Japan.

vita isnt a home console and i think you have missed the point being made.

Oh I'm sorry then, I guess the Wii U for the EPIC win in Japan then.



Doesn't mean too much really in the grand scheme of things IMO. UK is pretty much a mini US market these days.

Overall, Japan is still a bigger market, home console-wise, UK will take Japan.


soon maybe

Lol, Japan will always be bigger than UK market.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't total numbers of all systems UP this gen compared to last in Japan?

Japan isn't a shrinking market at all, and when a platform has the potential to sell 20/30 Million units there.

30 Million units of SW have been sold this Year in Japan so far. Do we have SW data from the UK?