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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Week That Was

For the users who have been around VGChartz for a while this title might ring a bell. It was a series of articles made by BengaBenga back in 2008. The principle is quite simple, it's a summary of important events that occured during the week.

I've always enjoyed these articles and instead of looking back to the past with nostalgia and wishing I could turn back time, I decided to try my hand at doing one... so I can look back to the past week (with nostalgia).

Now, despite being 6'5" feet tall, I'm still only one person so this will be the week as seen through my eyes and it's entirely possible that I've missed something important. After all, I'm not omnipotent (yet).

Without further ado, let's begin!

---- Gaming news ----


* The Bold and the Questionable *


This week featured a couple of bold statement surrounding Microsoft. First off, AMD has claimed that the new Xbox will have “Avatar” quality graphics (news) (thread) a statement that I've decided to file under “yeah, right”.

It was followed by a less questionable but still very debatable claim by Xbox CFO Dennis Durkin that Microsoft's first party has been superior to both PS3 and Wii (news) (thread). Of course, the folks at Nintendo were not ready to let that claim go unchallenged so they did nothing and let Pachter come to their rescue saying Nintendo was the king of first party games (news)(thread).

* Money, money, money *


The time for companies to report on their last quarter of activity has come and this week we’ve had some good news from Microsoft. They made a profit of $5.87b and shipped 1.7m Xbox 360s during the quarter ending in June 2011. For the 2010-2011 fiscal year, that’s a total of $23.15b of profit and 13.7m Xbox 360s shipped. (news) (thread)

In other money news, Ubisoft is still using Wii games to finance HD games, the sky is still blue, Paris Hilton is still a skank. (thread).

* Let’s fighting love *

This past week also featured quite a few fighting games announcements:

- Capcom officially confirmed that they’ll be screwing over early adopters once again and announced Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 which will feature 12 new characters as well as the two DLC characters Jill and Shuma Gorath (news) (thread)

- They later revealed a few of the new characters (news)

- We received news about an interesting new addition to Mortal Kombat: Freddy Krugger the main character of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies will be available as DLC. (thread) .

- And finally, 4 new fighters have been unveiled for the upcoming fighting game: Street Fighter x Tekken. On the SF side we have Dhalsim and Poison, while the Tekken side gets Steve Fox and Yoshimitsu. (news)

So it looks like we have lots of brawling ahead of us in the months to come. Meanwhile, the fight between TruckOSaurus and the embedding of videos of gamrConnect still rages on with TruckOSaurus taking a savage beating.

---- Community news ----

 * It’s finally come! *

Yes this week marked an important event, it saw the day where ThePS3News finally ran out of new thread ideas. The phenomenon was observed on Tuesday when the final thread was created (thread)  and coincided with the banning of ThePS3News. Officials can’t confirm if the two events are related.

* Elimination game epidemic *

Throughout the week, they’ve been spreading like wildfire and now we have elimination games for every taste. Here are your options if you wanna play with us:

- Greatest 7th Generation Battle/Debate GAME (thread)
- Best Nintendo Franchise Elimination Game (thread)
- Best Sony Franchise Elimination Game (thread)
- Best Microsoft Franchise Elimination Game (thread)
- Top Videogame Villains Elimination Game (thread)

Next week, we’ll have the Elimination Game Elimination Game where we vote for the game thread we wanna see closed.

* You just got Rol’ed *

Site veterans know to enter a RolStoppable thread with caution and never take anything in them at face value (after all we can’t trust anyone with a Kim Possible avatar). “So why bother reading the thread?” you ask. The answer is simple: to see the newcomers react to Mr. Stoppable’s craft, here’s a fine example that took place today: (thread)

That’s it for The Week That Was. Hope you enjoyed it!

Feel free to comment on other things that were important to you during this week.

Signature goes here!

Around the Network


I like this better than GamrTalk, please keep doing this

I think you have to embed via html in a new thread. Not sure though

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Vetteman94 said:

I like this better than GamrTalk, please keep doing this

Thanks Vette! I do plan to keep it up, provided it generates a bit of interest of course.

Signature goes here!

don't forget to check off topic! -_-"


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Around the Network

good stuff :) keep it up

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

Nicely done. I'm glad to see this making a return.

All these years after Super Street Fighter II Turbo, I'm only surprised that people are still surprised by the way Capcom handles its fighting games.

well done. keep it up and i can't embed worth a crap either.

i also have to admit Rol kind of got me in that thread and it took a day to figure out wht was going on in it eventhough i new it was a joke thread.(made afew jokes of my own to but they weren't really that good)

TruckOSaurus said:

 * It’s finally come! *

Yes this week marked an important event, it saw the day where ThePS3News finally ran out of new thread ideas. The phenomenon was observed on Tuesday when the final thread was created (thread)  and coincided with the banning of ThePS3News. Officials can’t confirm if the two events are related.

This is false. I've spotted FOUR new threads created in the last 24 hours:


If my calculations are correct, there will be a new thread created in approximately 12 minutes.

You should create a more informative thread title like "This week in Gaming" or something like that. When I saw "The week that was", I had no idea what the thread was about and ignored it. I only came because I clicked the link you posted on someone's wall.