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Forums - PC Discussion - Ed McMillen (Super Meat Boy) Announces The Binding Of Isaac

Edmund McMillen, and some of his team behind Super Meat Boy, has announced his next game. And it’s for PC. The Binding Of Isaac is “a roguelike shooter based on the dungeon structure of Zelda (NES)”, and is due out on Steam this August. There are more details below.


McMillen describes the game as having controls like “Smash TV / Robotron, in a randomly generated semi RPG world filled with powerups, items and special abilities.” And then it only gets more interesting to grasp. I’m quoting directly, because, well, read it.

“There is not a traditional leveling system in Isaac, instead we used an item system. Every level will have a treasure room, shop, boss and other secret/special rooms that might contain unique items. Special items come in 4 sets, Usable items, Special Weapon upgrades, Passive upgrades and stat boosters. 90% of items in the game stack, so as you progress your character will change into a monstrous powerhouse not only in stats and abilities but also in appearance.”

He continues,

“Aside from these core items, Isaac uses its pickup items as resources in what i call micro puzzles. The core resources in the game are Coins, Bombs, Keys, Hearts, cards and pills each of these pickups can be used in different ways to acquire special items, gain access to shops and hidden areas, kill enemies and also affect gameplay in many other ways.”

At this point the game has six dungeons, with three chapters and six bosses. There’s also over thirty enemy types, and what McMillen calls “tons of dynamic happenings”. Danny B is once more on board for music, and right now my thought is: interesting, but this doesn’t seem like a Edmund McMillen game. Don’t worry.

“Florian just made it so neutral flys are attracted to piles of shit and if they eat too much of the shit they get fat and become bloated flys that poop blood at you… I’m very happy with this game so far.”

Thank goodness.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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Do small games like this sell good on pc?

That actually sounds way more up my alley than their last game, I'm going to have to keep an eye on this.


Mad55 said:
Do small games like this sell good on pc?

Yup, Terraria sold 200,000 copies in one week and Super Meat Boy as of April 1, 2011 sold 600k copies 400k of which were on Steam despite the 360 version launching a month earlier on 360. Indie games sell great on PC


@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Wait wait wait. This is a 2D Zelda game?

If it has an overworld, or even if the order you attempt dungeons is non-linear, I am buying it immediately.

Around the Network
zarx said:
Mad55 said:
Do small games like this sell good on pc?

Yup, Terraria sold 200,000 copies in one week and Super Meat Boy as of April 1, 2011 sold 600k copies 400k of which were on Steam despite the 360 version launching a month earlier on 360. Indie games sell great on PC


oh WOW good deal then.

Mad55 said:
zarx said:
Mad55 said:
Do small games like this sell good on pc?

Yup, Terraria sold 200,000 copies in one week and Super Meat Boy as of April 1, 2011 sold 600k copies 400k of which were on Steam despite the 360 version launching a month earlier on 360. Indie games sell great on PC


oh WOW good deal then.

natuarally they are some of the more successful games out of the literally hundreds that come out every year but the dev has a track reccord and is serving a niche that is under served plus it will be cheap and on steam with a interesting art style so I would be suprised if it didn't sell over 100K copies wich would probably make it a huge success.

On the other hand I am leaving out Minecraft with it's 2.5million+ in sales lol.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

zarx said:
Mad55 said:
zarx said:
Mad55 said:
Do small games like this sell good on pc?

Yup, Terraria sold 200,000 copies in one week and Super Meat Boy as of April 1, 2011 sold 600k copies 400k of which were on Steam despite the 360 version launching a month earlier on 360. Indie games sell great on PC


oh WOW good deal then.

natuarally they are some of the more successful games out of the literally hundreds that come out every year but the dev has a track reccord and is serving a niche that is under served plus it will be cheap and on steam with a interesting art style so I would be suprised if it didn't sell over 100K copies wich would probably make it a huge success.

On the other hand I am leaving out Minecraft with it's 2.5million+ in sales lol.

yea minecraft is a weird beast lol.