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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 3DS & NGP game budgets are “two-to-three times” that of predecessors

Game budgets 'have tripled' on 3DS and PSP2

Developers Griptonite Games and Rebellion have said it takes more time and effort as well as a larger budget to create games for 3DS and NGP.

Cost of quality has jumped for powerful new handhelds, developers say

The arrival of two new handheld platforms will bring high-end mobile technologies to the market, but also a significant increase in project budgets, according to developers working in the field.

One studio head told Develop that 3DS launch titles “clearly have budgets two-to-three times what typical DS games have seen in the past”.

JC Connors, of Foundation 9’s handheld specialist subsidiary Griptonite Games added that “it simply takes more time and effort to design towards all the devices’ advanced features”.

“If you wanted to spend console money on developing a PSP2 or 3DS title, every penny of it would show, and clearly some of the launch titles have budgets two-to-three times what typical DS games have seen in the past,” he added.

Foundation 9 has been developing PSP2 and 3DS games for a number of months.

In a new Develop handheld games feature, published today, developers such as Connors explore what both Sony and Nintendo’s devices mean for the game development scene.

Chris Kingsley, the co-founder of UK studio Rebellion, said the “biggest challenge [on PSP2 and 3DS projects] will be development budgets.”

Rebellion has re-engineered its mobile games engine, Asura, for both Nintendo and Sony’s upcoming handhelds.

“With more powerful machines to develop on, expectations are higher and you have to spend more time and money creating larger and more detailed worlds,” Kingsley said.

“With more power comes greater expectation,” he added.

Talk of exorbitant development costs further contrasts Sony and Nintendo’s mobile technologies from smartphone games. iPhone phenomenon Angry Birds, for example, reportedly cost Rovio $140,000 to create.

PSP2 and 3DS game projects, by contrast, are expected to routinely pass the million dollar barrier.

The 3DS will launch in the west from March 25th. The release of Sony’s PSP2 is a matter of speculation, with the device coming to at least one territory by the year’s end.


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I think developers fail to understand that they don't HAVE to do this. If their game isn't made more fun by 3D graphics or more polygons or HD cutscenes, they shouldn't spend money on that.

Some great games for the DS were clearly made on a tiny budget.

Soleron said:

I think developers fail to understand that they don't HAVE to do this. If their game isn't made more fun by 3D graphics or more polygons or HD cutscenes, they shouldn't spend money on that.

Some great games for the DS were clearly made on a tiny budget.

I agree.


MetalGear_94 said:
Soleron said:

I think developers fail to understand that they don't HAVE to do this. If their game isn't made more fun by 3D graphics or more polygons or HD cutscenes, they shouldn't spend money on that.

Some great games for the DS were clearly made on a tiny budget.

I agree.

As do I.

Xen said:
MetalGear_94 said:
Soleron said:

I think developers fail to understand that they don't HAVE to do this. If their game isn't made more fun by 3D graphics or more polygons or HD cutscenes, they shouldn't spend money on that.

Some great games for the DS were clearly made on a tiny budget.

I agree.

As do I.

And I will now agree with these statments said before me...!

Former something....

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Soleron said:

I think developers fail to understand that they don't HAVE to do this. If their game isn't made more fun by 3D graphics or more polygons or HD cutscenes, they shouldn't spend money on that.

Some great games for the DS were clearly made on a tiny budget.

You would hope that if the current generation taught us anything, it's this.  Companies closing left, right and centre and some/most of the highest selling games were made on a relatively small budget.

Kind of expected really and its not like it matters to them as this gen has easily shown. I do wonder if we will see less and less niche on them though.

Games4Fun said:

Kind of expected really and its not like it matters to them as this gen has easily shown. I do wonder if we will see less and less niche on them though.

I didn't understand any of that. Especially the second part. Could you explain?

RolStoppable said:
Blacksaber said:
Xen said:
MetalGear_94 said:
Soleron said:

I think developers fail to understand that they don't HAVE to do this. If their game isn't made more fun by 3D graphics or more polygons or HD cutscenes, they shouldn't spend money on that.

Some great games for the DS were clearly made on a tiny budget.

I agree.

As do I.

And I will now agree with these statments said before me...!

I have no other choice than to disagree with all of you, because you fail to understand that most developers HAVE to do this. The reality is that the majority of people working in the game industry can't come up with good ideas on their own, so they take what has been proven to be successful and add some bells and whistles to have a selling point ("Look how pretty our game is.").

I agree with the disagreement of the agreements.