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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FFXIV TGS Trailer - THEME SONG Revealed!

The theme song is good. 

I wonder how the CGI will be incorporated into the MMO mode.



All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Game looks amazing! The song is also good. It's cool to see the Malboro in CGI :D

Also, am I the only one who was reminded of FFXII during some sections of the trailer?

thelalaby said:

Game looks amazing! The song is also good. It's cool to see the Malboro in CGI :D

Also, am I the only one who was reminded of FFXII during some sections of the trailer?

Yeah the setting is kinda similar to FFXII world, but a bit more medieval than that (even though FFXII wasn't medieval).

I am more reminded of FFIV

I mean this is probably how FFIV would look if remade in PS3 graphics.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Fricken epic! Wish I had an option to put that theme song in japanese because i'm not too fond of the english version.

But otherwise holy CRAP! This will be the MMO that binds single-player story with MMO. That Judge character has me very curious.

Wagram said:

Fricken epic! Wish I had an option to put that theme song in japanese because i'm not too fond of the english version.

But otherwise holy CRAP! This will be the MMO that binds single-player story with MMO. That Judge character has me very curious.

where is the JP version of the song?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network
darthdevidem01 said:
Wagram said:

Fricken epic! Wish I had an option to put that theme song in japanese because i'm not too fond of the english version.

But otherwise holy CRAP! This will be the MMO that binds single-player story with MMO. That Judge character has me very curious.

where is the JP version of the song?

I guess there isn't one. O.o

Wow they are making them use the English theme this go around.

You picking up the C.E, or the N.E. Darth?

Wagram said:

You picking up the C.E, or the N.E. Darth?

I won't be able to get it now cus Uni will start.

I think I'll probably wait for the PS3 version now or get it in December in my holidays

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Wagram said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Wagram said:

Fricken epic! Wish I had an option to put that theme song in japanese because i'm not too fond of the english version.

But otherwise holy CRAP! This will be the MMO that binds single-player story with MMO. That Judge character has me very curious.

where is the JP version of the song?

I guess there isn't one. O.o

Wow they are making them use the English theme this go around.

Yeah, actually xenoblades theme song is also just in english

That said Xenoblades theme song is far better than this one lol

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

Yeah, actually xenoblades theme song is also just in english

That said Xenoblades theme song is far better than this one lol

God I hope so. But nothing can beat Suteki da ne fom FFX.


I think I liked My Hands more than this one. But alot of people seem to like it, so i'll get over it. The game is what counts and OMFG it is awesome.