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It is literally just a bizarre cultural phenomenon, created from religion and American doctors' influence around the world. Rather obviously your child would be more likely to be bullied if you do it, not if you don't. Guess in which country besides Israel and the U.S. is it common (and not Muslim)? Korea. They get it done as adults which is hilarious (and painful). Look it up, it's pretty funny to have American doctors move into Korea and start circumcising everyone. It's a strange impact of the Korean war. It is a nonsensical cultural export from American trained doctors, and there is nothing medical or sensible at all about it. It has no medical benefits at all, I presume you'll teach your child to clean himself in the shower? Have you heard of all those infected Europeans and Canadians? No? Have you heard about all the Japanese (0% circumcision, they are sensible people) who get sick without it? Of course not.

Koreans are stopping it, Canada has already mostly stopped, and the rest of the non Muslim world thinks Americans are weird (and heavily influenced by Israel in education). Don't be a slave to your surrounding cultural environment. It's not a hard choice to say no. (I'm American btw).

Last edited by Alistair - on 04 December 2019