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There is a general disinterest in videogames on this site. This sites loves discussion about companies behind these videogames/consoles, political threads which are just dominating..... very embarrassing, and ....... list threads. That is all this site is willing to participate in.

Astral Chain was released - No discussion thread
Judgment was released - No discussion thread
Gears 5 was released - No discussion thread

Why? I remember a time where official threads/leagues were made for top releases. Now no one wants anything to do with videogames focused threads unless its listing something and the users who make these list threads cant even be original enough not to ask us what is our FUCKIN FAVORITE FINAL FANTASY GAME IS, WHAT GAME DID YOU LIKE BUT NO ELSE DID? (or vice versa) like these and all of its variations have not been ask a million times before.

Then there is the idea that were called VG "Chartz", but the Chartz part is like 90% dead. There is still hardware but were a month behind so who cares. Has anybody considered a rebranding of this site? Redefine what this site is about? We don't need to drop the sales part, but pretending as if it is still a major focus is just not excepting the truth.

On top of that there is the fact that this site feels old. The last 10 years has seen a major shift into what is good web design; Simple but stylish, uncluttered and easy to use... this site is not. Reset Era is a site that I think does all that well.

We need to find out what we want this site stand for and then start working from there.