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Oy been really busy so I can't watch much anime. To make matters worse I have been watching some bad anime, as I don't like dropping shows. Many shows can redeem themselves pretty easily for me, but not so lucky with Basilisk The ouka ninja scrolls.

I watched:

Baki (2018) (26 episodes): This show is at least entertaining if you like ridiculous fighting like I do. Overall, a ton of meh, but this show isn't for the story, setting or characters. It is also easily watchable without watching the past seasons, which I have not.

Basilisk: The Ouka Ninja Scrolls (24 episodes) : This show also doesn't need the past series. But seriously just watch the original Basilisk as this show doesn't come close. The original Basilisk was entertaining and brutal, but this show was just boring aside from maybe 5 episodes. Within those 5 entertaining episodes, nothing made sense, and things were added in for absolutely no reason.

Last edited by Farsala - on 25 May 2019